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How to Learn English Subsconsciouly

The need to have conscious control over everything in our lives is something we are accustomed to. It is also particularly true when it comes to the process of learning a foreign language like English. 

The vast majority of language learning takes place subconsciously. It means that instead of studying a language, you immerse yourself in it.

Throughout this article, we’ll discuss what subconscious training is and how to learn English by doing it subconsciously.

What is Subconscious Training?

The phrase subconscious refers to the part of your mind that notices and recalls information even when you are not actively seeking it, and that influences your behavior even while you are unaware. 

By definition, training is the process of learning the knowledge and abilities required for a particular career or activity. Subconscious training is the process of developing new skills while being unaware of them yet still being able to recall the knowledge without realizing it.

The subconscious is the portion of our minds that makes judgments automatically, without us having to think about them consciously. It is distinct from the conscious mind, which comprises the thoughts we are aware of at any given time. Additionally, it is different from the unconscious mind, which contains memories of past events and experiences that we do not recall.

Breathing is an excellent example of subconscious activity. Although we do not have to think about breathing, we may alter how we control our breath and its pattern. 

Additionally, subconscious training improves your memory and specific skills. Pianists and typists do not need to glance at the piano keys or keyboard to determine the location of the keys. Their current natural talent started as an acquired skill. Through repetitive practice, they have not made these skills subconscious.

Language learning isn’t that different. You are fluent in your current language because you have been exposed to it and practices it for years. You can apply the same method or idea in learning English too.

10 Proven Tips to Learn English Subconsciously

Our subconscious brain functions similarly to a transistor; it continues to receive information from the station regardless of whether you hear it or not. 

Simply by opening your senses, you can engage your subconscious mind. Your senses are your information sources. Having a very attentive ear and frequently hearing English talks daily will surely help you learn English subconsciously.

1. Know Your Learning Styles

Every individual learns uniquely. Visual (seeing), auditory (hearing), kinesthetic (moving), and tactile (touching) learning are the four modes of learning available to us.

Visual Learner

It is possible to be a visual learner if you are the type of person who requires visual stimulation to comprehend information, enjoys looking at photographs and illustrations, makes to-do lists to keep track of your thoughts, and recognizes words when they are displayed on a screen. The following suggestions will assist you in becoming a more effective learner: 

  • Make a visual representation of vocabulary words and a diagram of grammar rules. 
  • Review new words with flashcards. 
  • Visualize yourself having a discussion with the new terms you’ve learned. 

Auditory Learner

If you love listening to conversations and debates, if you prefer to follow directions that are spoken to you, and if you use sound and rhythm to help you remember things, you are a learner who prefers to hear something out. The following recommendations will assist you in becoming more proficient in English:

  • To remember grammar principles, sing or rap vocabulary words, memorize tunes, or construct rhymes. 
  • As much as possible, read aloud because it will help you understand more when you can hear what you are saying. 
  • Record yourself speaking English and listen to the recording to have a better understanding of the language.

Kinesthetic Learner

If you find it challenging to sit for long periods in front of a computer, if you learn best by doing things on your own, and if you feel that moving around helps you remember something, you are a kinesthetic learner. If this is you, you can do a few things to make learning English a little more manageable. Some of these things are:

  • Don’t spend too much time on the computer. 
  • Take frequent pauses. 
  • While exercising, go over your teachings in your head.

Tactile Learner

When learning, tactile learners like to learn by touching and feeling their way through things; they enjoy undertaking jobs that need them to use their hands, and they recall information more effectively when it is written down or typed out. Learning can be made more enjoyable by incorporating chores and games that you find enjoyable. It is best to approach your research in the following manner:

  • As many role-playing and theatrical activities as you can fit in your schedule. 
  • Make use of objects to aid in the memory of vocabulary words.

2. Priming Your Brain

Priming is a psychological strategy in which one stimulus influences the response to another. Priming works by triggering a memory association or representation before a new stimulus or task. This phenomenon occurs without our knowledge, although it significantly impacts many parts of our daily lives.

Your brain will be primed for English language learning if you do a little pre-learning. The best way to prime your brain is by observing the format of words for at least a minute while listening to soothing music and noting the color, size, and features. It’s a simple process that gets your brain ready to begin subconsciously training your English skills.

For example, exposing you to the word “red” will elicit a stronger response to the term “apple” than to unrelated words such as “computer.”

Since red and apple are more closely associated, people respond more quickly when the second word is provided.

Priming can also be accomplished by watching YouTube videos or listening to English podcasts. Being surrounded by English has the advantage of keeping you engaged and enlightened about the location. When it comes to priming, this is a game-changer.

3. Learn to Focus

One of the most effective strategies to schedule your English language study session is to apply the Pomodoro Technique or to create a time management system for yourself. It is a powerful yet easy way to assist people in concentrating on a task. 

The aim is to utilize a timer to keep track of things. Let’s say you set a timer for 20 minutes and dedicate all of your attention to your studies throughout that period. Checking your social media accounts, touching your phone and playing games, even sending text messages, or doing anything else that is not related to your task of learning English are all prohibited. 

You can reward yourself by doing something you enjoy following your study session whenever the timer goes off. You are free to repeat the procedure as many times as necessary.

4. Immerse Yourself in English

Not everyone can go to an English-speaking country to fully immerse themselves and strengthen their language skills. Regularly using the English language does not necessitate leaving your home or city. You can get started by doing regular reading, watching English documentaries, or even using smart gadgets. 

If you want to immerse yourself in English even when you’re at home, try these ideas: 

  • It’s not always fun to read the news, but it’s necessary if you want to keep informed. Do it in English if you must. You can choose the major international news stations such as CNN, BBC, or AlJazeera. Or choose the English news channel from your own country.
  • Culinary enthusiasts can discover new flavors by following recipes written in English. To get recipes, you can go to any number of websites, many of which are in English. There is a wide variety of cooking and food shows on Netflix that you can choose from.

5. Use the English Language Daily

English plays a crucial role in our everyday lives, and it is extremely useful in today’s society, especially for business purposes. As a result, the usage of English should be maintained alongside the use of other languages.

It is unquestionably preferable to speak English daily to train your subconscious mind to acquire a new language like English. 

You can incorporate the English language into many things you do daily, such as communicating with your colleagues or classmates in English if you are at work or in school, labeling everything in English in your home, such as the condiments in the kitchen. There are many other things you do daily that can incorporate the English language.

6. Utilize Multimedia Learning

Multimedia learning is defined as learning via the use of images and words in addition to text. Watching a PowerPoint presentation, listening to a pre-recorded lecture, or reading a physics textbook are examples of multimedia-based learning activities.

All English language learners will reap significant benefits from this method of learning. It assists individuals in improving and learning English through the subconscious mind, as multimedia elements such as photographs leave a strong recalling memory in mind. 

If you are a visual learner, there are tons of English language-learning YouTube Channels that you can check out. Instagram too can be another platform where you can follow specific influencers’ accounts that can help you learn the language in a fun and interactive way.

7. Make Use of Comprehensible Input

When learning the English language, there is a wealth of comprehensive input available to you, and the majority of this data will undoubtedly assist you in improving your English language skills. The majority of the understandable inputs are simple to comprehend but contain high-quality learning information. 

An excellent example of this is narrative storytelling. Storytelling is compelling among the most successful comprehensible input activities because an intriguing story can inspire an interest in strengthening language abilities to understand the plot better. 

Rhymes are another example of how to assist learners in developing and memorizing words that sound close or even the same but have different meanings, such as “break – brake”.

8. Carry Out Various Activities (in English!)

Having fun while learning English is possible. You can practice your language skills by engaging in various activities. Some activities might help you improve your language skills while also broadening your knowledge base. 

You might think that the only way to learn English is to play in a classroom, but there is a slew of free, readily available games available to you daily.

PlayingScrabbleis an excellent example of an activity you can engage in. It’s a crossword puzzle where every letter matters. Take turns forming words on the board with your pals. You’ll be forced to come up with new words while you play this game. 

Additionally, if someone uses an unfamiliar phrase, you can always ask them to explain its meaning. Furthermore, you’ll have the opportunity to improve your spelling skills.

If you are a social person, then take advantage of local English-speaking meetups and events. Or join a public speaking group such as Toastmasters, where you’ll be challenged to test out your new English skills through public speaking.

9. Check Your Progress

You may be frustrated with your English language progress if you feel as though you aren’t making any progress. Maintaining consistency is one of the most crucial aspects of improving your language abilities, and it can also make it easier to track your development over time. 

For example, if you always write new vocabulary in the same spot, you may go back and check to see if you recall all of the new words you’ve learned.

You can also record yourself speaking English to monitor your progress. It helps check your speaking ability or pronunciation. You can either read a text or improvise on a random topic. Try again a few months later and note the changes. This is a great way to practice improvising.

10. Repetition

Doing something more than once helps you improve. Practicing makes perfect, or at the very least, helps you get better at something. 

It’s the same when it comes to picking up a second language like English. Repeated practice is beneficial if you wish to recall or become more proficient with a word. 

Pronunciation is vital and can be improved with repetition. Pronouncing demands the activation of multiple muscles in the mouth, making it extremely physical activity. Pronunciation repetition can help you improve your contrasting sounds, word stress, intonation, and more. 

It’s a great way to brush up on your vocabulary, too. The other way to enhance your English is by repetition, not by memorizing vocabulary words. You’ll be able to understand it better if you repeat the phrase often. 

Repetition has also been shown to improve verbal communication. Like the US president Abraham Lincoln, famous public speakers prepared speeches until they were “perfect”. Preparation is crucial before a meeting or presentation. This way, you’ll be more confident in your pronunciation and vocabulary.

Repetition can help you improve your grammar as well as your memory. More familiarity with the format and grammar issues on exams like the Cambridge English Exams or other English proficiency tests will improve your score. Repetition activities are a fantastic technique to learn new grammar. These activities can be used to practice articles, prepositions, and other grammar concepts.

Final Thoughts

Getting feedback helps you learn English more subconsciously. You’ll notice the use of the same phrases and grammatical constructions again. These patterns are saved in your mind. After that, you won’t have to worry about following any rules whether you write or talk.

Exposing yourself daily to speaking English will make learning easier and more successful. To summarize, learning English is a lifelong commitment, not a one-time event. To start and manage this process efficiently, start using your subconscious mind.

We hope that if you apply these techniques in your English learning journey, you can speed up your progress; and soon speak English like a Pro.


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