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What is the Interagency Language Roundtable Scale (ILR)?

ILR, or the Interagency Language Roundtable Scale, is one of the language proficiency benchmarks used to describe the primary English skills. And the other widely used language proficiency benchmark is the CEFR

If you have taken any language proficiency exams, you may have been familiar with these two.

The IRL and CEFR provide standardized descriptions of one’s language proficiency level. Many language proficiency exams use these two as their basis for interpretations. 

This article will focus on the ILR and give you in-depth information about its different language proficiency levels.

  • Are they similar to the CEFR?
  • What are their differences?
  • How does it measure English language skills?
  • Is the IRL accurate and trusted by institutions? 

Read below to learn more about what ILR is and its different proficiency levels. 

What is ILR Scale?

The Interagency Language Roundtable Scale, also known before as the ILR, is a language proficiency scale that is used to describe the language abilities of those native or non-native English speakers. 

And also, the ILR Scale is the standardized language grading scale in the United States federal-level service.

The ILR scale was developed by the Federal Government of the USA. It was also highly recognized by the United States Foreign Service Institute, which is also connected to the National Foreign Affairs Training Center (NFATC)

It has six base scales wherein individuals are rated based on a scale of 0 which indicates a no proficiency level, up to 5, which denotes a high functionally native professional language proficiency for each of English language skills. 

ILR Six Base Scales:

  • 5 — (Functionally Native Professional Proficiency)
  • 4 (Advanced Professional Proficiency)
  • 3 (General Professional Proficiency)
  • 2 (Limited Working Proficiency)
  • 1 (Elementary Proficiency)
  • 0 (N Proficiency)

Moreover, there are plus scales (0+, 1+, 2+, 3+, 4+) in between the base scales of the ILR, which help determine and give accurate language proficiency descriptions for each skill.

As a result, there are 11 possible language scales in the ILR.

Note that the ILR is not an English language proficiency test that measures the language abilities of its test-takers.

Thus, it describes the language proficiency level of scale the individual belongs to. 

Who Uses the ILR Scale?

The ILR Scale is highly used and acknowledged by different organizations and private institutions, including local government agencies, K-12 schools, corporations, multinational companies, and also various academic institutions. 

It is also trusted by the USA Federal sector to provide accurate language proficiency descriptions for its employees and applicants’ English language skills.

The IRL Scale is now also available online and can be used by different language testing centers worldwide. 

ILR Testing Online

The Language Testing International or LTI Tests provide examinations and language proficiency certification for individuals, educational institutions, and organizations who need such services. 

And also, the ILR Testing Online offers tests for listening, writing, reading, and speaking English skills.

The tests they offer can be taken at home, depending on your availability. These assessment results are highly accepted by most government agencies, academic institutions, and major multinational companies worldwide.

Aside from that, the ILR Testing Online has online certification programs for those who want to have an English proficiency certification.

Many professionals, teachers, students, and other individuals can avail the said online certification service of the ILR Testing Online. 

ILR Testing Services offers online testing for the following institutions: 

  • Businesses
  • K-12 Schools
  • Academic Institutions
  • Government Agencies


Various organizations and corporations have used the ILR Testing to provide quality and accurate language proficiency assessments. 

And they have partnered with ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages). It is an organization that aims to provide improvement and expansion in the teaching sector.

And also, the ACTFL is dedicated to developing the learning of all languages at every level and using it as a medium of instruction for all. 

Around 500 corporations and other companies use the LTI services to provide language tests for English writing, speaking, listening, and reading skills. 

K-12 Schools

The ACTFL and LTI also offer testing services for English, Chinese (Mandarin), Spanish, Japanese, Korean, and other languages used worldwide. It uses the AAPPL, which stands for Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages. 

The AAPPL focuses on the test-takers ability to use the language in everyday communication in media, such as in virtual video chat, emailing, and using other apps.

It also assesses the student’s language ability in using the language in the classroom setting and real-world setup, including interpersonal speaking. 

Academic Institutions

They also provide services for educational institutions. Thru the ACTFL they administer entrance exams, placement testing, and exit process for graduation purposes.

And also, they offer services for teacher accreditation and other language professionals. 

Government Agencies

The different government sectors use the LTI and ACTFL to provide language proficiency exams to state and federal government agencies. 

These exams help them assess the English language abilities of their employees and candidates.

The ACTFL and LTI use the IRL scale to give accurate language proficiency descriptions for the test results. 

What are the ILR Scales?

The ILR Scales contain six based scales that range from 5 to 0. These six-based ILR scales describe the individual proficiency level, such as 

  • No Proficiency
  • Elementary Proficiency
  • Limited Working Proficiency
  • Professional Working Proficiency
  • Full Professional Proficiency
  • Native or Bilingual Proficiency

Moreover, the ILR Scales are used to assess and provide an accurate description of an individual’s language abilities in writing, listening, speaking, and reading.

And this standardized rating scale for language proficiency has reduced the subjectivity of language assessments. 

And each ILR scale has an additional plus scale in each level which was slowly incorporated into the scoring system.

The ILR additional plus scale or levels helps determine the individual’s level of proficiency. 

These plus scales are only used or assigned if the individual does not meet the next level of proficiency and exceeds the current language proficiency level.

ILR ScalesProficiency LevelsProficiency Level Descriptors
0No ProficiencyThe individual has very limited knowledge of the language.

Has the ability only to read very familiar words, such as labels, street signs, numbers, and the likes. 

One cannot speak with fluency only very few and isolated words. 
0+Memorized ProficiencyThe individual only has memorized knowledge of common language terms used.

And relies primarily on rehearsed conversations and phrases such as greetings and stating basics about oneself and others. 
1Elementary ProficiencyThe individual at this level has the ability to understand and maintain very simple one-on-one conversations with very simple topics. 

One can also answer simple questions that are usually encountered when traveling.

Has sufficient vocabulary enough to sustain basic and everyday communication. 

Also, one has the ability to read very simple, basic, and simple statements and reading materials.  
2Limited Working ProficiencyThe individual has sufficient comprehension and can understand conversations that are usually encountered in a work setting and other social setups. 

One also has the ability to read simply written contexts with familiar topics.  
3Professional Working ProficiencyThe individual can speak the language with noticeable accuracy and uses the correct vocabulary terms during conversations in the workplace, in social settings, and in everyday communication. 

Can effectively participate in discussions discussing professional topics and also has the ability to comprehend and understand the essentials of speech. 

One can also read at an average speed and establish complete comprehension even with unfamiliar topics. 
4Full Professional ProficiencyThe individual at this level can use the language accurately at any level and shows excellent accuracy.

One is also able to understand different forms and styles of speech in relation to any profession. 

And also, one has the ability to read with fluency and accuracy given any type of context and different forms of language.
5Native or Bilingual ProficiencyOne has speaking abilities similar to that of a professional native speaker.

And also, the individual establishes a complete comprehension of various types of contexts and speeches without any difficulty. 

Can speak highly colloquial speech and sustain conversations fluently, with precision and accuracy.

One can also read without any difficulty and shows excellent proficiency and accuracy. 

ILR Levels and IRL Stages Explained

The ILR has six based scales (O to 5 ILR scales) used to describe each English language skill, including writing, speaking, listening, and reading. 

And also, each of the six ILR scales has an additional plus scale. 

Each English language skill is rated between 0 to 5, including the additional IRL plus scales. 

  • ILR Speaking Scale
  • ILR Writing Scale
  • ILR Reading Scale
  • ILR Listening Scale

ILR Speaking Scale

IRL Speaking ScaleProficiency LevelsDescription
0No ProficiencyIf the individual fall on this IRL level, it indicates that one has no ability to use the language in speaking.  

One has difficulty expressing their thoughts orally, and communication is minimal.

Lacks communication skills and only uses isolated words when speaking. 
0+Memorized ProficiencyOne has the ability to use the language in speaking but only in rehearsed utterances.

And also, the individual delivers very little autonomous expression when speaking. There is no flexibility and spontaneity. 

And, one can only ask questions or make statements with memorized lines and clearly follows a pattern.

Vocabulary is limited, and communication is very limited. 
1Elementary ProficiencyThe individual at this level shows minimum courtesy requirements and can establish very simple face-to-face conversations about very familiar topics. 

One’s proficiency is functional but limited to certain levels.

Misunderstandings during conversation are frequent due to difficulty in understanding and comprehension. Vocabulary used is inaccurate and also limited.

And one also shows the difficulty in formulating speeches due to grammatical errors. 
1+Elementary Proficiency, PlusOne is able to initiate and maintain familiar conversations. But also indicates difficulty when it comes to an understanding simple speeches regarding unfamiliar topics. 

And also, one’s conversation mostly consists of short and discrete utterances. It shows a little accuracy when it comes to grammar. Some sentence structures are established but on a limited range. 

Has the ability to provide information but with errors, demonstrates reasonable comprehension, and can be understood by the general public. 
2Limited Working ProficiencyThe individual can establish social and limited work requirements.

One can also handle work-related conversations but within a narrow range.

The individual can also show a discussion about current events, work-related topics, family, and other personal information.

One also understands simple everyday conversations but shows difficulty dealing with a native speaker about complex issues.

And also, errors are frequent and can answer and ask predictive questions.
2+Limited Working Proficiency, PlusShows effective and acceptable speaking skills, but mistakes are still evident.

One can also effectively discuss topics about particular interests and specialized fields.

The individual also shows limitations in speaking length in a social setting and professional setup. 

One also presents a high degree of fluency and ease of speaking; however, the effectiveness of communication may deteriorate when under pressure and tension. 
3General Professional ProficiencyOne can speak the language with sufficient accuracy and has a great set of vocabulary terms used in communication.

Can effectively participate in formal and informal conversations dealing with practical, social, and professional topics. 

And also, the individual has the ability to use the language acceptably but still with noticeable mistakes.

Can convey the message with ease and uses correct structure and vocabulary in communication. Stress, intonation, and pitch control are still a problem at this level. 
3+General Professional Working Proficiency, PlusCan use the language professionally and can deal with demanding tasks.

And also, one can establish excellent fluency but may hesitate and commit errors during communication. 

Establishes precision in sentence structure and using of synonyms and shows accuracy when speaking. 
4Advanced Professional ProficiencyThe individual can effectively use the language fluently and accurately, especially in a professional setting.

Can also use the language effectively, use appropriate rhetorical speech devices, and discourse well with native speakers. 

Speaks with less effort, naturally, and one can also talk effectively.

Precision is evident, and one can also talk about a broad scope of professional topics with ease. 
4+Advanced Professional Proficiency, PlusThe individual can speak proficiently at all levels, usually equivalent to a highly articulate native speaker.

One can also show effective communication. 

And also, one has excellent control of structure, vocabulary, and phrasing and only shows occasional mistakes when interacting with a native speaker.  
5Native or Bilingual FluencyThe speaking ability of the individual is highly functional.

Very articulate and precise, and one can also use the language flexibly. 

And also, the conversation is highly accepted by most native speakers, with excellent usage of vocabulary, idioms, colloquialisms, and more.

Pronunciation is consistent and very minimal to no error. 

ILR Writing Scale

IRL Writing ScaleProficiency LevelsDescription
0No ProficiencyThe individual at this level shows no functional writing skills.

And has difficulty in all aspects of writing. 
0+Memorized ProficiencyOne can produce very simple syllabic writing using only the familiar characters or alphabets. However, one has the ability to write a very simple list and limited short sentences.

And also, one can write and recognize numbers, own name, nationality, address, and other very basic personal information.

Errors in spelling are evident. 
1Elementary ProficiencyThe writing ability of the individual can sustain limited practical needs. One can write statements and questions about very familiar topics. 

Writing to express oneself is difficult at this level, and one can only write materials at an elementary level.

Errors in spelling are abundant, does not know basic grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. 

However, the writing can be understood by a native reader that is used to dealing with individuals at this proficiency level. 
1+Elementary Proficiency, PlusWriting ability, meets the basic needs but is limited to other social interactions.

One can create sentences and short paragraphs related to the everyday setup. 

One can fully express with accuracy the future and present times. And has a little knowledge about verb tenses but is not always accurate. 

Vocabulary is good at an elementary level, but errors are still evident when expressing more complex ideas or topics. 
2Limited Working ProficiencyThe individual at this level has the ability to write routine social writeups. Can also prepare documentary materials but only limited to work-related topics. 

Also has the ability to write about current events and everyday situations.

Errors in spelling and punctuations are still present but can now control and use in common formats. 

Writing is understandable when read by a native reader who is not used to reading the writing of a non-native writer. 
2+Limited Working Proficiency, PlusOne shows precision in writing and can elaborate on the most common topics.

And also, one now has the ability to write about concrete topics and those that are related to any particular interests and special fields. 

However, one still commits common spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.

One also delivers surprising fluency and ease of expression in writing when under pressure. 
3General Professional ProficiencyOne can provide effective writing in formal and informal writing styles.

Can easily write about practical, social, and professional topics with accuracy. 

Shows control in structure, spelling, and use of general vocabulary to fully express ideas accurately.

One can also use compound and complex sentences with ease. Errors are still evident but do not fully affect the content. 
3+General Professional Working Proficiency, PlusThe individual can write using a few prose styles that are related to professional or educational topics.

And also, one still cannot control how to write that will suit the targeted audience or readers. 

Still lacks a variety of organizational patterns and formats in writing.

And also, one has difficulty using cohesive devices. 
4Advanced Professional ProficiencyThe writer at this level can now write with precision and accuracy in a variety of prose styles that are widely used in a professional or educational setting. 

Grammatical errors are very few and can consistently provide good writing that suits any reader.

Writing is clear, consistent, and highly organized. 

One also shows the ability to use organizational patterns and formats and can now use a variety of cohesive devices such as ellipses and parallelisms. And also, one can write about any topic.
4+Advanced Professional Proficiency, PlusOne can effectively write on various professional and educational issues with accuracy and precision.

The writing style is flexible, and one can quickly adapt depending on the targeted reader. 
5Native or Bilingual FluencyThe individual’s writing ability at this level is equivalent to that of a native.

There are no evident errors in grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, spelling, etc. 

And one can quickly write effectively in a formal and informal writing style.

Can write about reports, documents, professional articles, legal papers, and other related topics.

Writing is clear, informative, and delivers various writing styles.

ILR Reading Scale

IRL Reading ScaleProficiency LevelsDescription
0No ProficiencyThe individual has no sufficient reading skills.

And also, comprehension and understanding of the context given are not possible. 
0+Memorized ProficiencyThe individual has the ability to recognize the letters of the alphabet. And one can also read numbers, very few English terms or words, names, and very familiar places. 

One is also able to read and recognize street signs, warning signs, and other common everyday words.

However, comprehension is limited and shows an inaccurate understanding of some common words. 
1Elementary ProficiencyEstablishes sufficient comprehension in reading very simple materials.

One is also able to read and understand simple sentences about places, persons, things, and other simplified sentences.

Misunderstanding of the reading material is still evident. 
1+Elementary Proficiency, PlusOne has sufficient reading skills to comprehend simple sentences.

And also, one has the ability to read announcements, newspaper headlines, and other simple narration of events. 

Has the ability to get the main ideas of a very familiar topic but shows difficulty when it comes to complex ones.

And can follow essential points in a written material at an elementary level.

And may need to read the material several times to understand it completely. 
2Limited Working ProficiencyHas enough reading skills to understand and comprehend simple written materials.

One is also able to summarize information about a familiar topic or subject. 

And also, one is able to answer related questions about the reading material given.

However, one only has a limited vocabulary and may need assistance fully understanding the complex words. 
2+Limited Working Proficiency, PlusCan understand most factual information, especially non-technical reading materials with concrete topics. Shows proficiency in reading only those very familiar and everyday topics. 

Can recognize and separate main ideas from supporting information and has an advanced understanding of the topic.

And also can make a sensible guess about unfamiliar contexts. 
3General Professional ProficiencyThe individual is able to read at a normal speed and shows complete comprehension, and can now understand unfamiliar topics without too much difficulty. 

Can interpret the reading material correctly and now has the confidence to understand and read any unfamiliar subjects.

Also, can now “read between the lines” and may show some difficulty with unusual idioms and complex structure. 
3+General Professional Working Proficiency, PlusOne can comprehend different writing styles and complex contexts that are related to work.

And rarely misinterpret the message of the texts and also show a good comprehension. 

The individual also has the ability to read, understand, and appreciate contemporary writing styles and comprehend technical writing that does not contain heavy slang and uncommon idioms. 
4Advanced Professional ProficiencyShow fluency and accuracy in reading.

One can relate to the writing style due to related experiences, and also, one is able to understand the writer’s tone fully. 

And also, one can now follow with ease those unpredictable turns of contexts.

Can also read legible handwriting without any difficulty.  
4+Advanced Professional Proficiency, PlusThe individual shows almost native reading skills at this level.

Has the ability to understand and comprehend abstract topics, has a wide range of vocabulary, and knows most idioms.

Reading accuracy is close to that of a native but not equivalent. 
5Native or Bilingual FluencyShows an effective and functional reading skill that is somewhat equivalent to that of a native.

Can read without any difficulty, have excellent comprehension skills, and can read literary texts. 

Can read and understand a wide range of idioms, slang, classic reading materials, and more. 

ILR Listening Scale

IRL Listening ScaleProficiencyDescription
0No ProficiencyOne cannot understand spoken language.

Understanding is very limited, which only applies to very few isolated English terms that are mostly encountered daily.
Comprehension at this level is very difficult or not functional. 
0+Memorized ProficiencyShows little to sufficient comprehension only of some memorized phrases or words. Long frequent pauses are evident in order to understand the speaker. 

One may request to repeat again and again the phrases or sentences in order to understand the message or speaker.
Misunderstanding at this level is frequent due to difficulty in comprehension and inaccurately hearing the terms or words. 
1Elementary ProficiencyThe individual shows sufficient comprehension and understanding of basic and simple words and phrases. 

One can also understand simple questions and statements. 

Frequent repetitions of conversation of phrases are still required in order for the listener to get the main message.

Their level of vocabulary is limited and only understand simple terms. 
1+Elementary Proficiency, PlusCan understand short conversations. One also shows spontaneity in comprehension and consistency in understanding descriptions and other familiar topics. 

Miscommunication at this level is frequent due to limited vocabulary and difficulty in understanding complex subjects. 
2Limited Working ProficiencyOne is able to understand work-related subjects and other social interactions.

And also, one can understand if the speaker delivers the speech at a normal rate with some repetition and rewording. 

Can now identify and follow the main information of the conversation.

And also can understand factual content that uses familiar words and phrases. 
2+Limited Working Proficiency, PlusShows remarkable understanding when it comes to concrete topics and work-related conversations.

However, one may display difficulty due to limited vocabulary. 

One can understand if the speaker uses general terms or words that are used or encountered daily. 
3General Professional ProficiencyThe individual can essentially understand all parts of the speech. And has an effective understanding of face-to-face conversations. 

Also, has a broad range of vocabulary and now rarely asks for repetition and paraphrasing.

Can now clearly follow discussions with ease.

However, shows difficulty when talking to a native speaker who talks fast and uses slang. 
3+General Professional Working Proficiency, PlusHas the ability to comprehend most of the context even with the different styles of speeches used. And can now understand complex structures and increase their ability to understand fast-speaking natives. 

One can also follow unpredictable turns of subjects or thoughts without much difficulty. 
4Advanced Professional ProficiencyOne can completely understand and comprehend different types of speeches that contain complex vocabularies and nuances. 

Also, the individual is able to pinpoint important information in the discussions.

However, there is still difficult when it comes to extreme dialect slang and unfamiliar accents. 
4+Advanced Professional Proficiency, PlusThe individual has an increased level of understanding and comprehension in relation to extremely difficult and abstract discussions. 

One also shows an excellent understanding of native speakers who uses uncommon slang and idioms.

And listening skills are closed to that of a native. 
5Native or Bilingual FluencyComprehension and listening skills are equivalent to that of a native.

One is able to fully understand any complex speeches and discussions which involve native speakers. 

And also, the individual can easily understand the message or topic without any difficulty.

Differences between ILR Scale and CEFR 

The CEFR, or the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, is a standardized and widely used language benchmark for different language proficiency tests in other countries.

The British Council develops this language proficiency benchmark, and it has six language proficiency levels, including C2, C1, B2, B1, A2, and A1 levels.

And these proficiency levels are also subdivided into three categories: A, B, and C. 

While the ILR Scale is the standardized language proficiency scale that is used in the USA, especially in its Federal-level sector.

And it contains six base language proficiency scales with additional plus scales in between each level. 

Let’s compare these two language proficiency benchmarks. The CEFR’s highest possible language proficiency is C2 which describes the individual as a proficient user of the language.

It is also equivalent to the ILR Level 5 to 4+ (additional plus scale), indicating native or bilingual language proficiency. 

Comparison Table between CEFR and ILR Scale.

CEFR Level ILR Scale
C2 – Proficiency User Level5 – Native or Bilingual Fluency
C1 – Advanced Proficiency Level4+ (Full Professional Proficiency, Plus)


4 (Full Professional Proficiency)
B2 Upper – Intermediate Level3+ (Professional Working Proficiency, Plus)


3 (Professional Working Proficiency)
B1 – Intermediate Level2+ (Limited Working Proficiency, Plus)


2 (Limited Working Proficiency)
A2 – Elementary Level1+ (Elementary Proficiency, Plus) 


1 (Elementary Proficiency)
A1 – Beginner Level0+ (Memorized Proficiency)


0 (No Proficiency)

Differences between ILR Scale and ACTFL 

The ILR and ACTFL are two widely used American language proficiency scales. However, these two are commonly viewed as the same since they are both developed by the same institution. 

In addition, the IRL has six based language scales with additional plus scales. The ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) also has five major proficiency levels: Distinguished, Superior, Advanced, Intermediate, and Novice. 

The highest language proficiency level on the IRL Scale is 5, indicating native or bilingual fluency. And it is also equivalent to ACTFL proficiency as a distinguished level. 

However, some do not consider the IRL level 5 equivalent to the ACTFL distinguished level. It falls to its superior proficiency level since the IRL does not rate proficiency at that high level. 

Proficiency Levels 
Distinguished5 – Native or Bilingual Fluency
Superior4+ (Full Professional Proficiency, Plus)


4 (Full Professional Proficiency)

Advanced High

Advanced Mid

Advanced Low
3+ (Professional Working Proficiency, Plus)


3 (Professional Working Proficiency)

Intermediate High

Intermediate Mid

Intermediate Low
2+ (Limited Working Proficiency, Plus)


2 (Limited Working Proficiency)

Novice High

Novice Mid

Novice Low
1+ (Elementary Proficiency, Plus) 


1 (Elementary Proficiency)
0+ (Memorized Proficiency)


0 (No Proficiency)

Differences between ILR, TOEFL, and IELTS

The TOEFL and IELTS are among the widely used and highly acknowledged English language proficiency exams by many academic, multinational companies, organizations, and other government sectors worldwide. 

However, the TOEFL is highly academic-based in terms of its exam structure, while the IELTS, on the other hand, assesses both general English and uses academic-based contexts. 

These two language proficiency exams significantly differ in their scoring and interpretations.

The IELTS uses a band score that ranges from 9 to 0 points. In contrast, the TOEFL uses an overall scoring of 120 to 0 points. 

However, the IELTS and TOEFL test results can also be interpreted using the ILR Scale.

The highest possible TOEFL score is between 120 to 118 points, while the highest IELTS band score is 9.

And these two highest scores fall under the ILR level 5, which indicates native or bilingual proficiency. 

You can check the comprehensive table below showing the difference between the TOEFL, IELTS, and their test scores ILR Scale equivalents.

We also added the ILR plus scales to give an accurate description. 

Overall Score Conversion
Band Score
118 to 1209
4+ 115 to 1178.5
4110 to 1148
3+ 102 to 1097.5
394 to 1017
2+ 79 to 936.5
260 to 786
1+46 to 595.5
135 to 455
0+32 to 344.5
00 to 314
2.5 to 0

Common Misconceptions About ILR Scale

1. ILR Scale is not a Language Proficiency Exam

The ILR Scale is not a language assessment test that measures the different language skills, including writing, speaking, listening, and reading.

But the ILR is a language proficiency benchmark that provides an accurate description of the language proficiency level of an individual. 

It also shows what the individual can do at a certain proficiency level. And each IRL scale provides information on what one can perform or cannot do depending on its proficiency level.

Different language proficiency exams such as TOEFL, ACTFL, IELTS, and others can use this language proficiency benchmark for accurate language skills description. 

2. ILR Scale is not an English Course

The IRL Scale helps different institutions and government sectors provide a standardized language proficiency level.

It also helps these institutions determine or evaluate whether or not their employees, students, or applicants have the language proficiency level they are looking for. 

And the IRL scale is not an English course that will help enhance one’s English language abilities.

Only a language proficiency benchmark describes one’s language proficiency level. 

Additional FAQs – ILR

What Does ILR mean in School?

The ILR in school means individualized learner records. It is a primary data collection regarding further education and work-based learning widely used in England.

The ILR collects the individual learner’s data for each academic year.

And also, the ILR is an ongoing process in accumulating the data for each learner.

It helps the government keep track and monitor their policy implementation and check the performance of each sector of Further Education.

What is ILR Stands for in Language Proficiency?

The ILR or Interagency Language Roundtable is one of the language proficiency benchmarks used to describe the English language proficiency of individuals. 

It has six base scales to describe the language proficiency level, including an additional plus rating for each scale.

It will be assigned when the individual’s language proficiency exceeds one skill proficiency level; however, in some cases, it does not fully meet the criteria for the next proficiency level. 

What is ILR Level 3? 

The ILR level 3 indicates professional working language proficiency.

And this IRL level also signifies that the individual at this proficiency level can speak and use the English language with sufficiency and accuracy. 

Individuals who fall under this proficiency level can also effectively use the English language in almost every conversation.

The topics involved in this conversation are social, practical, and professional topics. 

What Does ILR Stand for at Cornell?

The IRL or known as the School of Industrial and Labor Relations, is an industrial relations school at Cornell University.

It is the leading applied sciences school that focuses on career, work settings, employment in general, and other labor policy-related issues. 

It also has the most significant number of undergraduate programs in the study of people, business, law, government, labor relations, public service, and more about organizations.


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