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What is IELP: Intensive English Language Program?

IELP aims to help international students, professionals, and those non-native English speakers reach their goal of achieving the best education and improving their English language skills. 

Suppose you are an international student and a non-native English speaker.

In that case, that is planning to enroll in an English-speaking educational institution but still lack the required language proficiency for the degree program you are applying to.

The IELP can help you achieve and continue your higher education at the university of your choice. 

To learn more about the Intensive English Language Program, we have a comprehensive article. Read on for more information.

What is IELP: Intensive English Language Program?

The IELP or Intensive English Language Program is a language program that is designed to help individuals who want to improve their English language skills.

It is also offered in different educational institutions and English language centers worldwide. 

These IELP courses are offered and suitable for both native and non-native English speakers.

And also perfect for both international students, professionals, and the local immigrant population who want to continue their studies or career in an English-speaking country. 

Educational institutions that offer the IELP in their curriculum vary in terms of their course duration, instruction levels, and course fees.

Given their differences, they still follow the International Student Program IELP Guidelines

And the International Student Program IELP Guidelines are created to help educational institutions deliver effective and high-quality IELP courses to their international students and to those who need to take the IELP. 

These IELP Guidelines also help universities and colleges to have quality facilities, an excellent set of professional instructors, program provision, student care, welfare arrangements, and more.

Why Take the IELP Pathway?

The IELP Pathway is suitable for students and individuals who wish to enhance their English language abilities while avoiding the need to take challenging language proficiency exams. 

And also, the IELP Pathway is recommended for international and both native and non-native English speaking students who did not meet the required English language proficiency level of the educational institution to which they were applying. 

Those under the IELP Pathway will be taking language courses to help them with their preferred degree in the university. 

IELP Three Pathway Program Levels:

There are three IELP Pathway Program levels, including Pre-Pathway, 9 Month Pathway, and 6 Month Pathway

These are the IELP Pathway Program levels that one can be placed into depending on their level of language proficiency assessment result. 

  • IELP Pre-Pathway Program Level
  • IELP 6 Month Pathway Program Level
  • IELP 9 Month Pathway Program Level

See the table below showing the different English language proficiency test results and their corresponding IELP Pathway Program levels. 

English Language
Proficiency Exams
IELP Pre-Pathway
Program Level
IELP 6 Month Pathway
Program Level
IELP 9 Month Pathway
Program Level

Below 50 Test Result
iBT Test Result: 60 overall

(12 in the Reading and Writing test section)
iBT Test Result: 50 overall

(9 in the Reading and Writing test section)

Below 5.0
5.5 Overall Test Result

5.5 in the Reading and Writing test section
5.0 Overall Test Result

5.0 in the Reading and Writing test section
PTENo Score

Below 40

What is “Conditional Admission”?

Conditional Admission is also known as provisional admission or conditional acceptance, wherein it is an institutional admission policy given to students or individuals.

It indicates that you will be given a chance or permitted to be admitted to a university or college of your choice under specific conditions. 

It is usually given or offered to international students wherein they are academically qualified to enroll in a higher level of education, such as a university or college.

However, they do not meet the minimum English language proficiency level required for full admission. 

It is where the IELP is among the solution and is usually offered to help these students to develop their English language abilities further.

Moreover, the different IELP Pathway Program Levels will also help institutions determine how long their students should take the IELP. 

And if the student completes the Intensive English Language Program of the institution.

One will now be granted full admission to the university or college and continue taking their preferred course. 

IELP Placement Levels Explained

In this section, we will discuss the different IELP Placement Levels.

These placement levels will help the institution determine the student’s level on which IELP class is suitable for the individual. 

Since the IELP is part of the ESL program of most institutions, it also follows the same placement levels as the latter. 

Level 1 – Beginning/Elementary  Literacy 

Listening and Speaking Skills DevelopmentThe individual can proceed to the next level if one has now developed the ability to identify very few and limited keywords and phrases from reading aloud but still needs constant support and prompting using visual aids and contexts. 

In speaking, the individual can now communicate simple information and phrases about very familiar and common everyday topics or experiences.

One can also express an opinion about a familiar topic with support and prompting. 
Reading and Writing Skills DevelopmentThe individual has limited knowledge in terms of language terms and has a narrow vocabulary.

However, one can identify and recognize simple and frequently used nouns, verbs, and very simple sentences. 

Can write very simple and written exchanges about very familiar contexts and topics.

Can also answer very simple yes and no questions, and limited wh-questions still with support and assistance. 

Level 2 – Low Beginning/Elementary Literacy

Listening and Speaking Skills DevelopmentOne can now identify a few keywords and phrases in oral contexts.

And also, one has the ability to understand and comprehend simple words and phrases that are commonly used in daily conversations.

The individual shows the ability to communicate information and express feelings but still needs support most of the time.

Has the ability to know the difference between a formal and informal use of language when speaking. 
Reading and Writing Skills Development Has the ability to use a limited range of vocabulary and produce simple sentences with support.

And also, the individual can recognize a few frequently used nouns, phrases, verbs, and conjunctions that are encountered daily. 

One can also write short and shared research projects with support from other individuals.

And also has the ability to gather simple information about a very familiar topic, share experiences, and can recall information with assistance.  

Level 3 – High Beginning/Elementary Literacy

Listening and Speaking Skills DevelopmentThe student who belongs to this level can now identify the main idea of an oral presentation using only simple spoken language terms and phrases.

One can also recall minimal key information in the given context. 

And also, the individual is ready to move to the next level if one is already capable of supporting the speaker’s argument and is able to give clear additional information.

Can produce short arguments only about familiar topics, experiences, and everyday happenings. 

One is also able to answer simple short questions and wh-types of questions.

Can easily summarize data and information. 
Reading and Writing Skills DevelopmentCan use frequently occurring verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and conjunctions confidently.

One can also produce simple, and compound sentences.

And also, the individual is able to construct a statement about familiar topics, experiences, and everyday events. 

The individual can exit this level if they already have the ability to read and understand informal and formal contexts.

And also can adapt to different language terms and academic contexts. 

Level 4 – Low Intermediate Literacy

Listening and Speaking Skills DevelopmentThe individual is now ready to exit this level because one can now retell key or important details, answer questions related to the main idea, and explain how and the development of the topic in the context. 

Can provide a summary of events, provide supporting details to one’s statements, and identify the speaker’s reason or message about the topic.

Can use and determine general academic words and phrases about familiar topics, experiences, and events. 

One is also able to deliver appropriate spoken texts that essentially convey a message.

Can deliver only short oral presentations about familiar topics, and provide additional information.
Reading and Writing Skills DevelopmentOne is able to use common transitional words and phrases and use it in writing.

Can produce written ideas, opinions, and conclusions regarding a topic given. Is also able to adapt to a variety of written language styles. 

The individual also has the ability to write short research projects and gather related information from digital and other printed sources.

Be able to paraphrase contexts from short written or oral reports, including diagrams, illustrations, and more. 

In reading, one can understand and follow familiar contexts.

Can also comprehend key ideas, follow discussions, and ask relevant questions regarding the context. 

Level 5 – High Intermediate Literacy

Listening and Speaking Skills DevelopmentThe student is ready to exit this level if one can determine the important or main detail in an oral presentation or conversation.

One can also establish a good analysis of the development of ideas in a given context. 

Has the ability to use persuasive communication skills and can sufficiently support the main topic.

Can also provide related information to support the analysis presented.

And is also able to develop one’s questioning skills and can now use idiomatic expression when speaking. 

One is also able to deliver oral presentations, construct reasonable arguments, introduce a topic, and provide logically ordered reasons orally.

And can also recall a longer and more detailed sequence of events, processes, instructions, and more.
Reading and Writing Skills Development
The student has now developed one writing skill and can write informational texts which discuss a wide range of topics, events, and more.

And also, the student is capable of using a wider range of complex general academic terms and phrases. 

One also now can use more complex phrases, and clauses.

And can also expand simple, compound, and complex sentences without any difficulty.

Has the ability to carry out both short and more sustained research projects to produce content. 

Can write appropriate contexts to understand, interpret, and deliver messages to readers. 

Level 6 – Advanced Literacy

Listening and Speaking Skills DevelopmentThe individual at this level has the ability to process, understand, interpret, and can also engage using appropriate English terms.

And also, one can easily establish excellent communication skills and written abilities. 

One can also determine important and main ideas of the contexts given in any oral presentation or written text and can use different strategies to identify the theme or topic.

In addition, the student can provide examples to support the analysis and give a summary. 
Reading and Writing Skills DevelopmentThe student is ready to exit this level if they are able to analyze and evaluate the problem or conflict of the context. Has the ability to use and understand general academic English terms and also content-specific words and phrases. 

In addition, the individual also now has the ability to use and understand figurative and connotative languages.

Also able to use a wide range of idiomatic expressions with ease both in spoken and written texts. 

One is also capable of delivering excellent written context and fully developing the topic with relevant information, concepts, examples, integrated graphics, and more.

And can also, deliver both formal and informal styles of writing effectively with appropriate examples. 

Difference between IELP from CEFR,  IELTS, TOEFL, and Duolingo English Test

The IELP is significantly different from the CEFR, IELTS, TOEFL, and Duolingo English Test.

We all know that the CEFR is a language proficiency benchmark that is used and provides a standardized language description of an individual’s English language skills. 

Moreover, CEFR is widely used in different language proficiency exams like IELTS, TOEFL, Duolingo English Test, etc.

These language proficiency exams are language assessment tests that measure an individual’s language abilities in areas such as reading, listening, speaking, and writing. 

In contrast, the IELP is an integrated and intensive language program offered by various universities and colleges to help those who do not have a language proficiency assessment result and those who do not meet the institution’s required English proficiency level. 

The IELP offers language courses to help bridge the gap of their non-native language speakers students in terms of their language abilities.

And the IELP has different program levels where the students can enroll in certain courses or classes that are suitable for their needs. 

Some universities offer individual courses for listening, speaking, writing, and reading.

While some also offer advanced classes to help students enrich their English language skills. Note that the IELP is not an English language proficiency exam nor a language benchmark like the CEFR. 

We have presented a table below showing the IELP Program levels compared to the CEFR Scale, TOEFL, IELTS, and Duolingo English Test results. 

This table shows the different overall test scores of the above-mentioned language proficiency exams to their corresponding CEFR proficiency levels.

Notice that a certain language test score also corresponds to a specific IELP Placement Level. 

IELP LevelsCEFR LevelsTOEFLIELTSDuolingo English Test
Level 6 – Advanced LiteracyC184+6.5+110+
Level 5 – High Intermediate LiteracyB278 – 836.0 – 6.5105
Level 5 – High Intermediate LiteracyB274 – 776.0100
Level 5 – High Intermediate LiteracyB270 – 735.595
Level 5 – High Intermediate LiteracyB265 – 695.590
Level 4 – Low Intermediate LiteracyB158 – 645.0 – 5.585
Level 4 – Low Intermediate LiteracyB150 – 575.080
Level 4 – Low Intermediate LiteracyB142 – 494.5 – 5.070 – 75
Level 3 – High Beginning/Elementary LiteracyA2N/AN/A55 – 65
Level 2 – Low Beginning/Elementary Literacy 
Level 1 – Beginning/Elementary  Literacy 
A1N/AN/A10 – 50

Difference between IELP Program Levels vs. CEFR Proficiency Levels

The IELP is under the ESL (English as a Second Language) Program in an educational institution.

And the IELP utilizes the same ESL Program levels since both focus on secondary language users. 

There are five common IELP Program levels that correspond to the CEFR Proficiency levels. 

And the IELP Program levels range from elementary levels up to advanced levels.

The different IELP levels are there to help the institution determine what type of IELP level is suitable for the student. 

However, some educational institutions have six to seven IELP Program levels because they include a beginner level, high and low on each IELP Program level.

The CEFR proficiency levels range from A1, which indicates a beginner or basic English language user up to the highest proficiency level, which is C2. 

The comparison table below shows the difference between the IELP Program levels and the CEFR proficiency levels. 

IELP Program LevelsCEFR Levels
N/AC2 – Mastery/Proficient Language User
Level 6 – Advanced LiteracyC1 – Advanced Proficiency Level 
Level 5 – High Intermediate LiteracyB2 – Upper – Intermediate Proficiency Level
Level 4 – Low Intermediate LiteracyB1 – Intermediate Proficiency Level
Level 3 – High Beginning/Elementary LiteracyA2 – Elementary Proficiency Level
Level 2 – Low Beginning/Elementary LiteracyLevel 1 – Beginning/Elementary  Literacy A1 – Beginner/Basic User Proficiency Level

Top Institutions Offering IELP

There are many educational institutions worldwide that offer the IELP to those who need to improve their English knowledge and language skills.

This section will only present the top institutions that offer the Intensive English Language Program (IELP) in their curriculum. 

University of Washington

This educational institution was established in 1861 in Washington. The University of Washington is considered one of the oldest institutions on the West Coast.

And they are also among the largest and most highly distinguished institutions in the area. 

And also, the university offers over 180 undergraduate programs and also they have more than 370 graduate programs.

Aside from these programs, they also offer IELP to their students and professionals who want to improve their English language skills. 

Their IELP class is offered in different periods, which caters to the availability of its enrollees. They have it in a few weeks, several quarters, or one academic year. 

The University of Washington offers different  IELP classes, including university preparation, business certificates, and English language short programs. The IELP classes at UW are under the International and English Language Programs. 

Tuition Fee & Costs:Includes the following:-tuition, health insurance, room and board, books supplies, transit pass, and other miscellaneous expenses.

Graduate School Preparation
(5 weeks/25 hours per week)- USD 5870

Academic English Program
(3 months/5 hours per week/fee per class) – USD 1788

ENGL 102: Essentials of College Reading & Writing

ENGL 103: Writing from Sources

ENGL 104: Essentials of College Communication

Global Business Certificate
(9 months/18 hours per week) – USD 11, 038

Short Programs
(3 weeks/15 hours per week) – USD 3, 030

Language & Culture STEP 

Business STEP 

Academic Skills STEP 

Science, Technology & Engineering STEP
Other Fees:Application Fee (Graduate School Preparation) – USD 50

Application Fee (Academic English Program) – USD 55

Application Fee (Global  Business Certificate) – USD 50

Application Fee (Language & Culture STEP) – USD 55

Application Fee (Business STEP) – USD 55
Payment Methods:Only accepts payment via credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, and American Express only)
Available for: University Preparation:

Graduate School Preparation – suitable for international students who intend to continue any graduate programs at any American educational institution.

Academic English Program – intended for incoming students who need to meet the required English language proficiency level at the University of Washington. 

Global Business Certificate

It is recommended for business professionals and university students who want to improve their English business vocabulary.  

And to improve also in areas such as listening, speaking, and presentation skills.
And to help them earn an internationally recognized professional certificate.

Short ProgramsLanguage & Culture STEP – suitable for individuals who want to learn more about the English culture and improve their English language skills.

Business STEP – recommended for those who want to learn to speak the English language and enhance their listening skills. And also to improve their communication skills.

Academic Skill STEP – suitable for individuals who want to improve their English academic skills and help them prepare to enter undergraduate or graduate courses. 

Science, Technology, & Engineering STEP – recommended for individuals interested in technological innovations while enhancing their English language skills. 

Portland State University

Portland State University is considered one of the country’s most innovative universities when it comes to online education and in-person programs.

The Portland State University is located in Oregon and was founded in 1946 and served as a post-secondary institution for World War II (WWII) veterans

The university’s academic programs are categorized into nine major academic departments.

These include the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, School of Business Administration, College of Education, OHSU-PSU School of Public Health, Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science, College of the Arts, School of Social Work, and the College of Urban and Public Affairs. 

The PSU also offers the IELP, which aims to provide intensive English language instruction with different language skills.

Their IELP also offer their students a full immersion in the university and integration while taking up the program. 

In addition, their Intensive English Language Program (IELP) is among the largest university-based English as a second language (ESL) programs in Oregon.

The IELP program of the university caters to international students and non-native English speakers. 

They also have the IELP Pathway for those who want to enroll in the university but did not meet the minimum English language proficiency requirement.

And if the individual has already reached the advanced IELP level, one will be given a chance to take one or two advisor-approved PSU classes before graduating from the IELP. 

Tuition Fee & Costs:Tuition Fee:
Full-Time Course Load with five IELP classes

For levels 1-5 (18 hours/week) – USD 4,338

Full-Time Course Load with five IELP classes for Levels 0 PEP (22 hours/week) – USD 5,302

Fees Per Term:
For Level 1-5 – USD 6,229

For Level 0 (PEP) – USD 7,193

Living Expenses Estimated Costs – USD 5, 611
Other Fees:Application Fee – USD 150

Online Placement Test Fee – USD

60New Student Program Fee – USD 100

PSU Conditionally Admitted Students Fee – USD 150

Graduate Intent Support Fee – USD 100

Partner University Student Fee – USD 100

PSU ID Card – FreeSponsored Student Fee (recurring) – USD 200

Airport Pick-up Fee (optional) – USD 75

Late Fee – USD 250

Learning Center Use Fee – USD 280

IELP Learning Center Lost Books Fee (per book) -USD 50
Payment Methods:Accepts payments online via Banweb using an e-check or via CashNet. 

Accepts payment in person (cash, or check payments).

Pay by mail. 
Available for: Academic English Program (Graduate Track)

Full-Time Course Load with five IELP classes

University of Albany (State University of New York)

The University of Albany or also known as the University at Albany and some referred to it as SUNY Albany.

However, the institution was originally called the New York State Norm School. 

This university is also considered one of the top-ranking public education schools located in New York.

It also ranked in second place in the Northeast according to the “Best Graduate Schools ranking in the U.S News & World Reports 2020. 

Aside from that, the university has over 125 programs, both undergraduate and graduate programs, offered to its students.

They also have the IELP, which is designed for international students and those second language users who want to enhance their English language skills. 

They also offer four IELP Pathway Programs, including Fast-Track Pathway with Conditional Admission, Guided Language and Academic Pathway, UA-USA Experience with Concurrent Enrollment, and Academic and Language Skills Boot Camp, which is a short-seminar IELP pathway program. 

The Intensive English Language Program (IELP) was established in 1978, and it helped more than 10,000 ESL students under this language program at the university.

And also, the IELP program of the school is a part of the American Association of Intensive English Programs and University and College Intensive English Programs. 

Tuition Fee & Costs:Intensive English classes:

8 Weeks Session (offered 5 times per year) – USD 2,295

4 Weeks Session (offered 10 times per year) – USD 1,721
Other Fees:For 8 Weeks Session:

Application Fee – USD 130
Student Services Fee – USD 225
University Comprehensive Service Fee – USD 356.25
International Health & Emergency Assistance Insurance – USD 164.69/monthly

For 4 Weeks Session:

Application Fee – USD 130
Student Services Fee – USD 168.75
University Comprehensive Service Fee – USD 178.13
International Health & Emergency Assistance Insurance – USD 164.69/month

Miscellaneous Fees (8 weeks and 4 weeks sessions):

Late Testing Fee – USD 50
Transfer of I-20 to another school or program – USD 500
Payment Methods:Accepts payment made through their official website

Accepts online billing through epay.

Accepts wire transfer using Flywire. 
Available for: Intensive English classes and custom programs

With winter and summer short courses

Temple University

Temple University is included and ranked 92 at the national level as one of the “Best Value Schools” in Pennsylvania.

This ranking is based on the institution’s academic quality and the overall attendance percentage for a student who receives the minimum scholarship aid. 

This institution also offers IELP to those who want to improve their English language skills. Their IELP courses cater to all native and non-native English speakers.

Whether you have an advanced, intermediate, or beginning proficiency level, the Temple University Intensive English Language Program (IELP) is highly recommended. 

In their IELP, you can directly learn from highly skilled and professional instructors with advanced degrees.

You can also learn about the American culture and the USA in general. And if you enroll in their IELP Advanced Level 2, you can be eligible to take the university’s undergraduate courses. 

The table below presents the different information regarding the Intensive English Language Program offered at Temple University. If you want to enroll in the IELP, they do not require any English language assessment results. 

However, upon admission, your language skills will be evaluated for them to know which IELP class level is suitable for you. 

Tuition Fee & Costs Estimate:Includes the following:-tuition, student body fee, books and supplies, health insurance, room, and food accommodation.

Full-time Study
(4 courses/21 hours per week/7 weeks) – USD 6,588

Part-time Study (tuition fee varies per class excluding other costs)

Integrated English (Listening and Speaking) – USD 1096

Writing Intensive – USD 1, 174

Reading Intensive – USD 663

Enrichment Class – USD 994

Pennsylvania Residents

(In-state Tuition)Class costs:]

Full-time (4 classes) – USD 1648

Integrated English (Listening and Speaking) – USD 563.50

Writing Intensive – USD 604

Reading Intensive – USD 354

Enrichment Class – USD 498
Other Fees:Application Fee – USD 100

Late Payment of Tuition Fee Charge – USD 100

Deferral Fee – USD 100

E-Ship Global Fee – USD 10 to USD 80

7 weeks estimate living expenses:

Housing – USD 1,900

Meals – USD 1,200

Health Insurance – USD 192
Payment Methods:Grants Scholarships
Accepts payment via wire transfer (

Accepts personal checks

Accepts cash and money orders.

Accepts credit cards (Visa, Master Card, American Express, and Discover)
Available for: Part-time Study 
It is suitable for individuals who want to take one or two classes only. 

For those who do not want or plan to continue taking any courses at Temple University. 
Those who do not need an F-1 visa.

Full-time Study
It is suitable for those who want to develop their English language abilities intensively within a short period. 

You need an F-1 visa.

You want to study at Temple University. 

Fresno Pacific University

Fresno Pacific University was established in 1955 to answer the different theological happenings and sociological changes in the church and the community. 

And also, Fresno Pacific University is known for its unbiased and no discrimination toward the race, color, national, age, disability, and gender preference of its applicants and students. 

They also give fair treatment to everyone when it comes to their educational policies, admission policies, scholarship programs, loan application, athletic programs, etc. 

This university also offers the IELP, which is specifically intended for international students who would like to continue their education at the university.

And this program is also for those immigrants and non-native speakers who want to develop their English language skills. 

The IELP is also part of the Humanities Department under the School of Humanities, Religion, and Social Sciences division at the FPU.

You can check the table provided below for more details regarding the Intensive Language Program (IELP) offered at Fresno Pacific University. 

Tuition Fee & Costs Estimate:Includes the following:-tuition, student body fee, books and supplies, room and food accommodation.

One Session (2 months) – USD 4,712

One Semester (4 months) – USD 9,073

One Academic Year (8 months) – USD 18,146

Summer Session (6 weeks) – USD 2,450
Other Fees:Application Fee – USD 40
Payment Methods:Accepts Check.

Accepts Money Order.

Accepts bank transfer of funds (via

Accepts Credit Cards
Available for: IELP for Students or Professionals. 
This is applicable to those not currently taking any undergraduate program at FPU.

May it be for personal and professional reasons that they want to enroll in the said program. 

IELP for Undergraduate Studies
This is applicable to academically qualified individuals to take up any undergraduate courses except English language proficiency at FPU.

They can be admitted under any undergraduate program but need to take the IELP for credits. 

Cleveland State University

The Cleveland State University, or CSU, is one of the top schools most students consider. It is located in Cleveland, Ohio. 

It offers affordable tuition fees and many academic scholarships, including University Honors Students and Ohio First Scholarship Program.

They also have STEM Fellow students and the McNair Scholars program for PhD-bound students. 

Aside from these scholarships, the CSU also offers an Intensive Language Program (IELP) that aims to help individuals enhance their English skills.

The IELP at Cleveland State University aims to provide a quality English language program using a learner-centered approach. 

Moreover, this ESL program also caters to international student enrollees and those permanent residents or US citizens with limited English language proficiency.

And anyone can enroll for the IELP at CSU, including those for educational, business purposes, and personal growth. 

You can check the table provided below for the information regarding the IELP at Cleveland State University. 

Tuition Fee & Costs Estimate:Includes the following:-tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, health insurance, miscellaneous and personal expenses
12 weeks Summer Semester Session – USD 11,149

15-week Semester – USD 16,169

One School Year (2 semesters) – USD 31,599 

One School Year (2 semesters and one summer) – USD 42,748
Other Fees:Application Fee: USD 40 (non-refundable)
Payment Methods:Accepts credit card. 

Accepts checks or money orders through any U.S Banks, and currency must be in USD.

Payment should be payable to Cleveland State University. 
Available for: IELP full-time study for F-1 visa students

IELP part-time study for residents, citizens, and non-native English speakers.

IELP as part of a 4-year university course.

IELP is also offered for special groups during a regular semester or summer session

College of the Canyons

College of the Canyons is a public community college located in Santa Clarita, California. And also, the College of the Canyon offers different associate of arts and associate of science degrees.

They have over 69 academic programs and 82 certificate programs. 

And also offer accessible, enriching academic programs that aim to help and provide students with essential learning skills.

Their programs also prepare and help students integrate their learning into workforce-skills development. 

Among the programs available in this academic institution is the IELP, which is highly recommended for those English learners who want to pursue a higher level of education, study for a certificate program, or earn an associate degree. All the IELP classes are held on campus. 

They have classes under the IELP which focus on reading and vocabulary, grammar and writing, listening and speaking, pronunciation and laboratory.

And to learn more about the IELP offered at the College of the Canyons, kindly refer to the table below for more information. 

Tuition Fee & Costs Estimate:8-week IELP class – USD 2,340

One School Year – USD 9,360

Books and Other Supplies Fee for One Year – USD 1,240

Living Expenses for One Year – USD 14,400
Other Fees:Not Stated
Payment Methods:Online payments via their official website, using your account, and click Make a Payment option. 

Accepts credit cards including MasterCard, Visa, and Discover.

You can also pay in person at their campus (which accepts credit cards, checks, and cash). 

Payment Drop Slot is available at their campus and only for cash and checks payment. 

Mail a Payment, wherein you can mail your payment either check, cashier checks, or money orders).

Cash is not recommended for this payment option. 
Available for: Available classes in Winter Session and two Spring Sessions.

Full-time study with 20 hours of instruction per week.

And a minimum of 3 sessions for 8 weeks per session. 

Additional FAQs about IELP 

How Long Will it Take for Me to Complete the IELP?

The IELP classes or course length depends on the institution you are taking it from.

Some universities offer one school year IELP class, a short course that may run for about four to eight weeks. 

And also depends on the duration of the IELP class you enrolled in.

If you are planning to take the program, you can check ahead of the institution you want to register on how long the IELP they offer is.

And you should also consider your availability and why you need to take it. 

If I am Accepted to the IELP as an English Language Student, Does that mean that I will Be Accepted to a Degree Program at my Chosen Institution?

If you are accepted into the IELP, you should note that your language proficiency level did not meet the university or college you are applying to.
Thus, you cannot be given full admission to the degree program you are applying for. 

That is why you are admitted to their IELP is for you to develop your language skills and work up with your lacking requirements to complete the entire admission process.

However, you can be granted conditional admission if you are academically qualified to take the degree program,  but still, you need to finish the IELP. 

What Happens if I Complete the IELP?

The Intensive English Language Program (IELP) classes or session length differs depending on your institution.

Some offer short courses or sessions, while others provide a full-year admission. 

Your language proficiency level is also a factor that affects how long you should take the IELP.

And if you happen to complete the program, you will now be able to continue the degree program you have chosen.

And also, you have now improved your English language abilities. 

Can I be a Part-time Student on the IELP?

Yes, you can be a part-time student on the IELP since they offer both full-time and part-time study.

Some educational institutions provide the IELP within 4-weeks or 8-weeks sessions. 

Part-time IELP classes are also suitable for those individuals who do not plan to pursue a degree program in the university where you have taken the IELP.

And also, if you do not need an F-1 visa. 


A group of language enthusiasts with a shared commitment to helping you succeed in your English language journey. With years of experience, relevant certifications, and a deep love for languages, we're here to provide you with the support and resources you need to excel in exams like IELTS, TOEFL, OET, Duolingo and many others. We take pride in helping individuals like you achieve their language goals.

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