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How to Immigrate to the USA : Comprehensive Guide

The United States Of America has long been and continues to be a famous immigrant destination country. Each year numerous applications for visas and stay permits are made to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for approval of applications and immigrant petitions.

America is home to a diverse immigrant population of over 40 million people, making the United States a country with the highest immigrant population worldwide. 

This article aims to provide a guide to immigrating to the USA and the steps and actions to be taken by prospective immigrants from other countries.

Why Immigrate to the United States of America in 2021?

Many migrants find the U.S. to be an ideal country for immigration due to several attractions, which include:

  • System of Government: The United States of America operates a system of government best recognized as a representative democracy. This system of government facilitates liberal norms like election and free speech, which may not be easily obtainable in certain climes. As a result, immigrants from less permissive countries find the U.S. ideal.
  • Educational Institutions: America is home to some of the world’s best universities and colleges. Millions of students worldwide immigrate to the U.S. yearly to study various programs at these universities because of the exceptional quality of education offered in these institutions. 
  • Job Opportunities: The U.S. labor market is flexible, which drives industries to meet demands, thus requiring additional labor input. The United States needs immigrants to shore up the gap in several mainstay and upcoming industries, thus facilitating jobs across many sectors for either skilled or unskilled immigrants. 
  • Higher Worker Wages and Low Cost of Living: Compared to other countries, workers can expect a federal minimum wage of USD 7.25 per hour compared to other countries. This figure is less than what is obtainable in 25 states in the country.
  • America’s Thriving Economy: The United States of America ranks high as one of the best countries to stay and work in due to its bustling and engaging economy. The country boasts of a unique and active economy that requires a large workforce of many professional or skilled and unskilled workers to create economic and social prosperity. 

US Citizenship and Permanent Residence: What to Know

Who is A Citizen?

The term citizen describes a person or individual who, by birth, the nationality of one or both parents or naturalization is granted or given the full rights and responsibilities only a member of a political community or nation can have.

An individual is considered a citizen of the United States if:

  • They have a birth certificate issued by a U.S. state.  
  • The individual was born in a U.S. territory and had a birth certificate issued.
  • They were born outside of the U.S. to at least one U.S. citizen parent, and your parent(s) recorded your birth with the U.S. Embassy or consulate in that country.
  • You have certificates of Citizenship and Naturalization as proof of your U.S. citizenship.
  • You are at least 18 years of age
  • You have been a lawful permanent resident for the past three or five years

Does the USA offer Permanent Residency?

Yes. The USA, through a green card (a permanent residence card), allows foreign nationals to reside in America as permanent residents and eventually become citizens through any of the variety of immigration programs available for immigrants.

Applicants must examine each program carefully to determine the most suitable for their circumstances as well as whether they pass the eligibility requirements for the chosen program.

U.S. Permanent Residence Options

Individuals seeking entry into the United States and intent on residing permanently in the country can achieve this feat through various means such as by right of birth, marriage arrangements, naturalization, or even by investing considerable amounts in companies/businesses on the U.S. soil.

 A green card option is available to migrants seeking a more permanent oriented and extended stay period in the U.S. Migrants, upon obtaining this, become eligible to enjoy certain rights and privileges. Migrants also can obtain legal citizenship through naturalization by the medium of the green card they already received.

What US Immigration Programs Can I Apply For?

Immigration programs cover a broad category of prospective immigrants who may fall into different classes and categories. There are various immigration programs available to potential migrants who want to migrate to the USA.

To immigrate to the U.S. successfully, individuals must determine what Immigration programs they are eligible to apply for and whether they qualify for the immigration program best suited for them. 

To reduce the chances of rejection or an application turn-down, potential migrants must apply to the right immigration program that fits their status.

The immigration programs available for a broad category of migrants are built on a set of U.S. immigration laws. These immigration laws operate on the following principles:

  • The reunification of families.
  • Admitting immigrants with skills that are considered essential and valuable to the U.S. economy.
  • Protecting refugees.
  • Promoting diversity.

The immigration programs available for migrants to pick from include:

I. Family-Based Immigration.

II. Employment-Based Immigration

III. Refugees and Asylees.

IV. The Diversity Visa Program.

V. Other Forms of Humanitarian Relief.

VI. U.S. Citizenship.

These immigration programs are examined in terms of description, eligibility, and requirements for applications to these various immigration programs.

1. Family-Based Immigration Program

Unification of family members is one of the critical tenets of U.S. immigration law. The Family-Based Immigration system was designed to allow U.S. citizens to bring over some family members to reside in the United States. Family-based immigrants are granted visas as immediate relatives of U.S. citizens. 

The U.S. government provides an unlimited number of tickets annually for close relatives of U.S. citizens. Prospective immigrants in this particular category are required to meet the standard eligibility criteria. Petitioners likewise must meet certain age and financial requirements before applications are granted.

Apart from immediate family members, American citizens can also serve as sponsors and file an immigrant visa petition for related family members. This option is known as the family preference option, and visas are limited to individuals considered close relatives of a U.S. citizen.

Other types of relationships with someone with an LPR status are specified and include extended family members. The allocation of immigrants in these categories is limited every year.

Family-Based Immigration Program Allocation Figures

U.S. citizenUnmarried adult children23,400
LPRSpouses and minor children87,900
LPRUnmarried adult children26,300
U.S. citizenMarried adult children23,400
U.S. citizenBrothers and Sisters

Who is Eligible for the Family-Based Immigration Program?

People considered to be immediate relatives include:

  • Marriage partners or spouses of citizens of America, 
  • Unmarried, under-aged, or minor children who are under the age of 21, and
  • Parents of U.S. citizens.

Requirements for Family-Based Immigration Program?

Individuals related to U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents are expected to fulfill specific eligibility requirements before obtaining a visa under the Family-Based visa program.

Some of these requirements are: 

  • Proof of a medical examination and obtaining required vaccinations, including a COVID-19 vaccination. 
  • Provision of satisfactory evidence of a past, clean ImmigrationImmigration or criminal history.
  • The migrant must provide evidence of sustainability, demonstrating that they will not become wholly dependent on the U.S. government for subsistence and survival.

2. Employment-Based Immigration

People seeking employment can immigrate to the United States in the hope of gainful employment. In 2021, the United States economy provided 6.4 million jobs for citizens and immigrants, and the unemployment rate dropped to 3.9%. Thus there are available lots for people with practical skills to come to the country on either a temporary or a permanent basis. 

For this reason, the United States government offers employment for temporary or permanent employment-based visa classifications.

Temporary Work Visas

Temporary work visas allow foreign nationals who want to work for a fixed period in the United States without becoming permanent citizens. The temporary employment-based visa classifications permit employers to hire and petition foreign nationals for specific jobs and limited time.

 Obtaining a work visa requires the prospective employer to first file a petition with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Upon approval, an application can then be made for a work visa.

In this scheme, temporary workers are expected to render services in employed labor for the employer that petitioned for them. They also have limited ability to change their job preferences.

There are a number of visa categories available for temporary nonimmigrant workers. These visa categories include:

Visa CategoryGeneral Description
H-1B: Person in Specialty OccupationRequirements include a higher education degree or its equivalent. This covers distinguished fashion models with merit and ability and government-to-government research and development or co-production projects administered by the Department of Defense.
H-1B1: Free Trade Agreement (FTA) ProfessionalThis category requires a post-secondary degree involving at least four years of study in the field of specialization.
H-2A: Temporary Agricultural WorkerThis Visa category is for temporary or seasonal agricultural work. It is limited to citizens or nationals of specific countries, with limited exceptions, if determined to be in the United States interest.
H-2B: Temporary Non-agricultural WorkerThis Visa is only for temporary or seasonal non-agricultural work. Like the H-2A visa, it is limited to citizens or nationals from specific countries, with some exceptions, if it is determined to be in the interest of the United States.
H-3: Trainee or Special Education visitorThis Visa allows migrants to receive training, other than graduate medical or academic, that is not available in the trainee’s home country. This also covers practical training programs in the education of children with mental, physical, or emotional disabilities.
L: Intra-company TransfereeWith this visa type, migrants can work at a branch, an affiliate, or a subsidiary of the current employer, either in a managerial or executive capacity or a position requiring specialized knowledge. The individual must have been continuously employed by the same employer abroad for one year within the three preceding years.
O: Individual with Extraordinary Ability or AchievementThis visa category is suitable for persons who possess extraordinary abilities or achievements in the sciences, arts, education, business, and athletics. The list extends to exceptional recognized achievements in motion pictures as demonstrated by sustained national or international acclaim. Also included are individuals rendering essential services or assistance to the individual mentioned above.
P-1: Individual Team Athlete, or Part of an Entertainment GroupUnder this category, applicants can perform at specific athletic competitions either as an individual athlete or as part of an entertainment group. Requirements include international recognition and include persons providing essential services in support of the above individual.
P-2: Artist or Entertainer (Individual or Group)The P-2 Visa allows a performance under a reciprocal exchange program, usually between an organization or body in the United States and an organization in another country.
P-3: Artist or Entertainer (Individual or Group Exhibition)To perform, teach, or coach in culturally unique events or a traditional ethnic, folk, cultural, musical, theatrical, or artistic performance.
P-3: Artist or Entertainer (Individual or Group Exhibition)To perform, teach, or coach in culturally unique events or a traditional ethnic, folk, cultural, musical, theatrical, or artistic performance.
Q-1: Participant in an International Cultural Exchange ProgramThis visa category allows for practical training and employment and encourages the exchange of artifacts of history, culture, or traditions of your home country. This happens through participation in an international cultural exchange program.

The visa classifications mentioned above vary depending on their eligibility requirements, duration, and whether they permit workers to bring dependents, among other factors. Temporary visa holders have to depart from the United States if their resident status expires or if their employment program is unfortunately terminated or ended. 

Permanent Work Visas

Permanent work visas are visas that grant a migrant authorization to live and stay in the United States on a permanent basis as a permanent worker. The proof of this status of permanent residence is the green card that the USCIS issues to the migrant. There are several ways to obtain a permanent work visa, either through sponsorship, the refugee/asylum system, or other humanitarian affiliated programs. 

It is also possible to immigrate to the U.S. with the right combination of skills, education, and work experience. If eligible, you may be able to live permanently in the United States. 

Depending on the job type and the foreign individual’s qualifications, it may be possible for an employer to sponsor a prospective employee for permanent employment.

Based on whatever permanent immigration category that is being applied for, and the foreign individual’s current nonimmigrant category, it is possible for the individual to complete the necessary steps to become a lawful permanent resident while still living and working in the States.

However, the permanent immigration option available under the Employment-Based Immigration program has a number limit of about 140 000 every year. This would include both immigrants, eligible spouses, and minor unmarried children. As can be expected, some criteria and requirements are to be met.

Who is Eligible for Permanent Work Visas?

People eligible for this type of immigration program include

  • Persons who possess extraordinary abilities in the arts, science, education, business, or athletics, outstanding professors and researchers, multinational executives, and managers.
  • Professionals with college degrees and other workers for unskilled labour.
  •  Individuals who will invest USD 500,000 to UDS 1 million in a job-creating enterprise that employs at least ten full-time U.S. workers are also welcome in this particular immigration program.
Requirements for Permanent Work Visas
  • Individuals who qualify as eligible are required to have had at least two years of training or experience in their respective fields of practice.
  • A valid travel passport for travel to the USA.
  • A photo to be uploaded during the application process.

3. Refugees and Asylees

The United States admits refugees and asylum seekers from other foreign countries if they cannot return to their home country due to factors such as religious or political instability. There is no numerical maximum to the number of individuals eligible to be granted asylum. 

There is also no specific category for determining who may seek asylum in the U.S. In F.Y. 2019, 46,508 individuals were granted asylum. Refugees and asylum seekers can become lawful permanent residents one year after getting admission to enter the United States as a refugee or at least one year after receiving asylum from the United States government.

 Refugees can make applications from outside official territories of America or a “transition country” outside their home country.

 However, before refugees are admitted, numerous factors, such as the degree of risk they face, membership in a group of particular concern to the United States, and whether or not they have family members in the United States, are considered.

Each year the head of government of the United States of America, in collaboration with Congress, determines the number of refugees allowed to immigrate to the States.

There are limits for the number of allowed immigrating refugees for each region of the world. Find below a table illustrating these figures.

East Asia6,000
Europe And Central Asia4,000
Latin America/Caribbean5,000
Near East/South Asia13,000
Unallocated Reserve12,000
Presidential Determination on Refugee Admissions, F.Y. 2021

Who is Eligible for Refugees and Asylum Seekers Visas?

The United States of America readily provides asylum to persons already seeking protection based on the same five grounds upon which refugees rely. Individuals considered to be eligible for this program include:

  • Migrants already at a port of entry in the U.S. 
  • Applicants must be citizens of other countries needing refuge from their home country.

Requirements Refugees and Asylum Seekers Visas

  • Refugees or asylees must apply within one year of arriving in the U.S.
  • Applicants must undergo security checks.

4. The Diversity Visa Program

The Diversity Visa Program was founded and established by the Immigration Act of 1990, which provides an immigration opportunity for immigrants from countries with low rates of ImmigrationImmigration to the United States. This immigration program utilizes a lottery system to randomly allocate over 500,000 visas each year through a computer-generated lottery.

 Every year, the U.S. Diversity Visa program provides an opportunity for about 50,000 randomly selected people that are only from countries that don’t send many immigrants to the United States to obtain permanent residency.

Applying for this immigration program is not too complicated as it simply involves filling out some necessary forms online at the official website. This process is free of charge.

To get started, the entry time for the lottery every year starts from early October through early November. The lottery winners are selected at random by a computer, and they and their immediate families receive green cards.

Who is Eligible for the Diversity Visa Program?

To qualify as eligible for this immigration program, 

  • Migrants must have been born in a country that has sent less than 50,000 immigrants to the United States in the past five years. For some of these eligible countries, the time frame varies.
  • However, countries including Canada, China, India, Mexico, and the United Kingdom never make a list because these countries all send many immigrants to the United States.

Interestingly, even though applicants from countries that are not eligible can still migrate to the U.S. through the diversity program, if their spouse was born in a country accepted for the program, you can apply with your spouse and choose your spouse’s birth country on your application.

Requirements for the Diversity Visa Program

To qualify for the diversity visa program, 

  • Potential applicants from eligible countries must have a high-school diploma or its equivalent or at least have, in the period of five years, a minimum of two years working in a profession requiring a minimum of two years of training or experience in their given field.

5. U.S. Citizenship

Immigrants might also want to consider an additional option of gaining citizenship in the United States of America through naturalization. This option is open to only individuals who must have had LPR status or a green card for at least five years or even three years if they obtained the green card through a U.S.-citizen spouse or the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).

Other Forms of Humanitarian Relief

Other programs that exist to facilitate the ImmigrationImmigration of foreign migrants include:

Temporary Protected Status (TPS)

This is granted to people in the United States when they cannot return to their home country because of natural disasters, specific temporary conditions, or even an ongoing armed conflict. Temporary Protected Status (TPS) can be granted to a country for six, twelve, or eighteen months.

It can also be extended beyond that duration if conditions in the country are unsuitable or persist. This status does not necessarily lead to LPR status or confer another immigration status.

Deferred Enforced Departure (DED)

Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) is a migrant immigration program that serves to provide protection from deportation for individuals whose home countries are unstable, therefore making return dangerous.

The difference between TPS and DED, however, is that TPS is authorized by statute, while DED lies wholly at the discretion of the executive branch. The deferred enforced departure does not necessarily lead to Lawful permanent residence status, nor does it automatically grant any other type of immigration privilege.

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) was established in 2012. This program grants a specific set of individuals who were brought to America whilst still below the ages of 16 and who must also have had an uninterrupted residence in the U.S. since June 15, 2007, to continue staying in the United States and work legally for at least two years as long as these individuals do not possess some significant criminal record or the other and must have graduated high school or college or received a degree equivalent.

DACA does not automatically grant any path to permanent legal status and requires renewal every two years.

Immigrant vs Nonimmigrant Visas

As stated previously, the purpose of an individual’s visit to the United States will actively determine the sort of Visa application that will be made. 

Two categories or types of Visa come into play here. 

  • The Immigrant Visa and
  • The Non-immigrant Visa.

The Immigrant Visa is granted to individuals and persons wishing to stay for an extended period of time in America. This usually refers to living permanently in the United States.

In contrast, however, a Nonimmigrant visa is issued or granted to a person with permanent residence in another country outside the United States, who still wishes to be in the U.S. temporarily for reasons ranging from tourism, medical treatment, and business, quick work, or education.

The USA Green Card Explained

In recent years, the termGreen Card has become very popular worldwide because of its notoriously hard-to-get nature. A Green card, popularly known as a permanent resident card, is an identity document that verifies that an individual has permanent residency status in the United States. Green card holders are officially known as lawful permanent residents in America. A green card offers a path to citizenship. 

Because of this, the eligibility requirements for obtaining or acquiring green cards are much more rigorous than those for nonimmigrant visas. 

About 1 million people receive these green cards each year, granting the recipients certain rights and responsibilities consistent with official immigration status. To be naturalized as a citizen of America, you must have a green card.

Each green card category is issued based on a quota system. Determinants include the number of green cards issued and the number of applicants from each country. 

If it happens that the number of green card petitions from individuals from a particular country supersedes the available supply, they must wait for a green card to become available.

The U.S. State Department’s monthly​ ​Visa Bulletin ​shows which green card petitions from which countries can move forward and must continue to wait in line. Currently, individuals from India and China face years-long waits for green cards.

It is necessary to note an apparent difference between green cards and nonimmigrant visas. 

Although both permit immigrants to stay in the country, the nonimmigrant visas give applicants to whom it is granted only a specific period to be in America. At the same time, a green card provides the holder with lawful permanent residence in the USA as a citizen of the country. Green card applications are considered by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

What are the General Processes and Requirements to Migrate to the USA?

Migrating to the USA or any other country is not without its procedures and requirements. For immigrants considering a permanent move to the USA, individuals would want to consider the types of Visa applications they’re eligible to make. Applicants will also need to review that the documents required of them are in order and valid to make the applications. 

Here again, the purpose of your entry into the United States or the reasons behind an individual’s Immigration to the States plays a vital role in the application for a visa. 

Students will consider student visas, and prospective employees who want to live and work in the U.S. require an employer sponsor. A prospective employer would apply for a visa or green card on the migrant’s behalf.

The U.S. Department of State carries the responsibility of issuing visas to foreign nationals traveling to the United States of America through its embassies or consulates in their country. 

Practical steps to take based on established procedures for immigrating to the States include:

  • Getting a sponsor or someone in the U.S. to file you an immigrant petition.
  • Upon approval of the petition and the availability of a visa in the right category, the applicant can apply for an immigrant visa through a U.S. consulate.
  • The next step would be getting a medical examination.
  • Attend a scheduled interview.
  • Await the results of the application.

The moment you get your immigrant visa, you will be required to pay a USCIS immigrant fee.

After the payment, you get to receive a sealed packet of documents to be given to the officials at the U.S. port of entry after you are admitted to America as a permanent resident and then proceed to receive your Green Card in the mail.

How Much Does It Cost To Immigrate To The USA in 2021?

Migrants seeking to move from their home country would want to do some cost analysis and perhaps draw up budgets consistent with application fees, travel budget, and other necessary costs related to accommodation and feeding.

Due to the lengthy processes involved in immigrating to the United States, the expenses to be invited are pretty costly. Thus, migrants must be financially prepared for whatever monetary costs they might incur while processing an immigration program.

A summation of all specific payments made during this process of acquiring citizenship in the U.S. puts the figures within the ranges of USD 4,000 to USD 11,000+.

Applying to the USCIS would involve paying some fees, which vary according to the type of application made. Then there are petition fees to be born with the lowest figure of USD 500+ and the highest figure of USD 3,600+. The migrant might also want to hire a lawyer to make the process faster, given the always-changing immigration laws. However, this step is entirely not mandatory.

Additional costs include medical examination and vaccinations, which should cost about USD 1,000. 

Then there is the Naturalization Fee, currently at USD 640-USD 725 for processing applications and USD 85 for biometric services.

Applicants who fall under the age bracket of 14 and over 70 do not have to pay the biometric fee. Other fees would include the citizenship test etc.

How to Appeal your Immigration Decision?

The decision to move or migrate to the U.S. rests solely with the individual. Upon careful consideration of the immigration programs available and the costs to be incurred, the applicant can decide what, when, and how it is best to carry out their goal of immigrating to the United States. 

However, in some cases, applications made by potential immigrants are rejected, and applicants have the right to appeal unfavorable decisions by the USCIS. 

Applicants can make appeals to the USCIS Administrative Appeals Office (AAO) or the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA), which happens to be an office within the Department of Justice. These bodies have jurisdiction over immigration cases, and potential migrants can file motions to review the USCIS decision.

Upon filing an appeal, the USCIS office that made the original decision will first review the appeal to determine whether to take favorable action and grant the requested immigration benefit. Next, the reviewing office will forward the appeal and the related record of proceedings to the AAO to issue a new decision.

To start filing an appeal, applicants must go through Form I-290B, Notice of Appeal or Motion. Exceptions to this filing method are:

It is important to note that any attempts at direct submissions made to the AAO will be rejected and returned as improperly filed.

All filings must go through the appropriate contact address for filing appeals at Direct Filing Addresses for Form I-290B, Notice of Appeal or Motion.

Migrants can file two different kinds of motion including:

  • Motion to reopen, and
  • Motion to reconsider

Motions to reopen is a request made to the office that issued the unfavorable decision to review its decision based on new facts coming to light. However, this motion must state new facts, and it must be backed by affidavits or other documentary evidence providing proof of your eligibility at the time you filed the underlying application or petition.

Similarly, motions to reconsider are requests made to the office that issued an unfavorable decision to review its decision based on the misapplication of a particular law or policy. This motion must prove that the decision was incorrect based on the evidence of record at the time the decision was made.

This motion must be backed by citations of the appropriate statutes and regulations. It must establish that the unfavorable judgment rendered was based on a misapplication of law or policy and that the judgment was incorrect based on the evidence of record at the time of the decision.

Motions must be filed by the individual a minimum of 30 days from the decision date.

You can expect to receive a decision on the motion from the USCIS in 90 days and the AAO within 180 days. Failure to receive feedback would necessitate contacting the USCIS Contact Center at 800-375-5283 and asking for a “service request.”

How to Prepare for Life in the USA?

Immigrating from one country to yet another is not without its challenges. There are numerous factors to be considered and prepared for by the individual hoping to Immigrate to the USA. 

Several factors include language and cultural differences, weather and seasonal variations, housing and accommodation, schooling and education, transportation, and safety. Employment and work opportunities are other issues worth considering. 

Preparing to meet these challenges would make transitioning into life in a new and alien environment easier. Find below some helpful tips to help you settle into life in the United States of America:

Finding Accommodation in the U.S.

Housing costs in the U.S., compared to the average wages, are relatively affordable. However, the prices for either rent or purchase depend heavily on location and the type of accommodation you choose. Determining the average rental price in the U.S. can be complicated because of the variety of renting options available across the country. 

Depending on the location of residence, you can expect an expense of a minimum of 30% of your salary on rent fees in the U.S. Migrants will be expected to provide documentation such as an international credit score, some employment documentation, and, in some cases, they might have to make down payments on security deposits (anywhere from two to twelve months rent).

Average Monthly Rent Fees in the Most Affordable Areas

State1 Bedroom Apartment
South Dakota550
New Mexico550
North Dakota650

To make the rental process smoother and hitch-free, you can engage the services of relocation service providers or real estate agents. 

Online Resources to help you find accommodation in the U.S. with ease are:

Finding Employment in the U.S.

 Finding employment in the USA might not initially be easy. Still, suppose an individual has the right combination of skills, education, and work experience. In that case, they may live and work permanently in the United States by seeking an employment-based immigrant visa.

It is vital to recognize that the type of immigration plan an applicant applies for can often determine the employment options. Some immigration programs, such as the Nonimmigrant Visa, have work restrictions and employment restricted only to LPRs or citizens in the United States.

 An easier way to obtain employment in the USA is to search for job opportunities from your home country. Doing so would provide the migrant with a job offer and a chance to access an employer who could serve as a sponsor, filing a petition for an immigration visa with the USCIS.

To make the job-hunting process more accessible, migrants want to search carefully for the industry they intend to work in and apply skills such as creating applications with targets. It is not enough to target companies; the individual looking to gain employment must know how to make the right approach.

Some resources to aid the job-hunting process in the United States of America include:

The EB-1 Visa provides a unique opportunity for migrants looking for job opportunities. However, this Visa type is restricted to people of extraordinary ability, outstanding professors and researchers, certain multinational managers or executives. This dramatically improves the chances for employment in the USA.

Some of the most common jobs for new immigrants in the USA are typically entry-level roles. However, recent figures suggest that immigrants are increasingly being brought into the U.S. to take on more advanced and technical positions.

 These employment opportunities include and are not limited to:

  • Transportation work
  • Tailoring and dressmaking
  • Manual labour positions
  • Agricultural roles
  • Customer service roles
  • Hospitality
  • Grooming and personal care positions
  • Outstanding professors and researchers
  • Certain multinational managers or executives
  • Food and beverage, restaurant, and dining sector
  • Factory and manufacturing work

These jobs cut across various sectors, and new immigrants to the U.S. can find jobs working as skilled workers in these fields. 

Apart from entry-level positions, demand for skills in computing and mathematics has risen, leading to calls for more immigrants in these fields to arrive to help support the growth of America’s economy.

Top Occupation and Salaries in the USA

Some of the highest-rated and most sought after jobs in the U.S. with excellent pay include:

  • Medical anesthesiologists top the list with an average salary of about USD 266,000, And this is closely followed by surgeons, who take home a figure of USD 252,000.
  • Obstetricians and gynaecologists come next with around USD 235,000, then psychiatrists at USD 216,000.
  • Dentists in the profession are also among the highest-paid people in the United States, with oral surgeons earning an average of USD 243,000 per year.
  • CEOs come next with a figure of about USD 196,960.
  • Airline pilots, co-pilots, and flight engineers in the U.S. earn a salary of about USD 161,280.
  • Petroleum engineers in the U.S. also make a round figure of about USD 155,000.
  • Software designers and the management sector in ICT with job titles like management information systems director, computing services director, information systems director or supervisor, information technology manager have an average salary of USD 150 000.
  • Architectural and engineering managers make an average yearly salary of USD 146,290. Financial managers follow at an earning rate of USD 146,290 and marketing managers at USD 145,620.
  •  Lawyers in the U.S. have earnings of USD 141,890. In the private sector, lawyers can earn much more. 

How Can You Avoid Some Common Problems and Pitfalls While Immigrating?

 Individuals intending to migrate must fully evaluate their decisions, carefully considering the country they intend to migrate to. 

Steps taken to avoid common problems include:

  • Do proper research about the immigration programs you intend to apply for. This will include knowing the requirements and eligibility criteria.
  • Individuals making applications to migrate to the U.S. should have all documents required during the process.
  • Applicants want to be careful to pay the appropriate fees required at each level.
  • Signing the proper paperwork and avoiding mistakes.
  • Upon arrival at the intended immigration destination country, they should have an employer to help them survive. Preferably migrants must have done their research before moving.
  • Housing and rent issues are another common challenge faced by immigrants in the U.S. Solving issues before arrival is the best path to avoiding problems like this.
  • Access to medical healthcare is another common challenge that can be avoided by migrating through the appropriate channels and having the necessary documents to receive medical healthcare.
  • Other issues might include cultural clashes, prejudice, and language barriers.

Additional FAQs — USA Immigration

What is the Easiest Way to Immigrate Legally to the USA?

Most people consider getting married to an American spouse the fastest way of migrating to the USA.

Other comparable methods that involve less effort include having a U.S.-based employer sponsor your ImmigrationImmigration to the United States.

How Much Does it Cost to Immigrate to the United States Legally?

Research puts figures at USD 4,000 and USD 11,000, with most people who have successfully undergone the process recalling a fee in the range of USD 6,000 a figure of USD 8,000.

Can I Immigrate to the USA Without a Job Offer?

Yes. It is possible to migrate to the United States without a job offer. You can do this by winning a diversity visa lottery, qualifying as an individual possessing extraordinary abilities in the arts, sciences, and other fields, or having a family member resident in the United States file a petition on your behalf.

There’s an entrepreneurial option of investing a specific amount stipulated in this particular immigration program in a company or enterprise in the U.S.

Can a Foreigner Move to the U.S.?


However, based on the immigration program in place and the allocation of the Visa quota to countries from specific regions, prospective migrants might want to research and check for the availability of visas for their respective areas.

Additional Online Resources to Help You Get Started

Find below a couple of resources to help you get started on your quest for Immigration to the USA.


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