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+99 English Phrases – “My Word is My Bond” / “Trust Me On This”

Language is more than just a means of communication; it’s a canvas upon which we paint our thoughts, emotions, and experiences. English, with its vast array of idioms, proverbs, and expressions, offers endless opportunities for creativity and eloquence. By mastering these phrases, you not only enhance your linguistic prowess but also add depth, color, and personality to your communication.

Think you already know common English phrases? Prove it! Take this quick and exciting quiz to challenge your understanding of essential English phrases before reading the blog.

  • Practice real-life idioms
  • Test your ability to use them in context
  • Boost your communication skills instantly!

Ready to see how well you know these expressions? Let’s get started:

essential English phrases

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What does "barking up the wrong tree" mean?



Searching in the wrong place
Complaining about someone
Pursuing a wrong course of action
Asking unnecessary questions

Which sentence uses "break the ice" correctly?


I couldn’t find my car, so I decided to break the ice.
The party was awkward until Sarah cracked a joke to break the ice.
I forgot to break the ice in my presentation.
Let's break the ice by cleaning the house.

Match the Phrase to its Meaning:

A stitch in time
Drag answer here
Cut to the chase
Drag answer here
Every cloud has a silver lining
Drag answer here
The early bird catches the worm
Drag answer here
Don’t cry over spilled milk
Drag answer here
Make a mountain out of a molehill
Drag answer here
Stop worrying about things that can’t be changed
Acting quickly leads to success
Finding optimism in tough situations
Exaggerate the importance of a minor issue
Prevent a bigger problem
Get straight to the point

Complete the sentences with the correct idioms.

Hints: (a penny, chin up, nail, waves)

  1. "You've been quiet all evening.  ?"
  2. "Despite the challenges, remember to  . Things will get better."
  3. "Your analysis of the problem was spot on—you really  ."
  4. "Her innovative ideas at the office and sparked lively discussions."



Read and Answer:


John is known for being a jack of all trades. He can fix cars, paint houses, and even bake delicious cakes. However, his work is not always perfect. As they say, he’s a jack of all trades, master of none.


What does the phrase "jack of all trades, master of none" mean?


Someone who is skilled in many areas but not an expert in any
A person who cannot do anything well
Someone who is lazy and avoids learning
A professional in multiple fields

Determine which of the following statements are true:

The ball is in your court" means that it’s your turn to take action or make a decision.
"Throw in the towel" means to keep trying and never give up.
"Hit the ground running" means to start something with full energy and effort.
"A penny saved is a penny earned" suggests that saving money is just as valuable as earning it.
"Burning the midnight oil" means waking up early to work hard.

Choose the correct phrase to complete the sentence:

I know the problem seems small now, but remember, ________. Fixing it early can save bigger issues later.


Every cloud has a silver lining
A stitch in time saves nine
Keep your chin up
The early bird catches the worm

Listen and Answer:


What is Lisa’s attitude toward hard work and challenges, based on the phrases used in the audio?


Essential Phrases-Audio1
Press Enter or Space to show volume slider.
Lisa believes in balancing her work and personal life.
Lisa sees hard work as essential for success and remains optimistic in difficult situations.
Lisa prefers to focus on one project at a time and avoids taking risks.
Lisa feels frustrated and overwhelmed by her responsibilities.
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8

In this blog post, we’ll explore +99 essential English phrases that will not only enrich your vocabulary but also make you a more confident and effective communicator. So, let’s dive in and discover the beauty of English expressions together!

1. Communication and Expression

  1. A penny for your thoughts

This phrase is used to politely ask someone what they are thinking or feeling.

  • Example: “You’ve been quiet all day. A penny for your thoughts?”
  1. Actions speak louder than words

This popular saying suggests that what someone does is more important than what they say.

  • Example: “Don’t just tell me you’ll help, show me. Remember, actions speak louder than words.”
  1. Cut to the chase

Get to the point without wasting time.

  • Example: “Let’s cut to the chase, what’s the bottom line here?”
  1. Hit the nail on the head

Describe a perfect or accurate statement.

  • Example: “You hit the nail on the head with your analysis of the market trends.”
  1. No pain, no gain

Emphasizing the necessity of effort for success.

  • Example: “I know the training is tough, but remember, no pain, no gain. Keep pushing yourself.”
  1. Variety is the spice of life

Encouraging the embrace of diversity and new experiences.

  • Example: “I love trying new foods and traveling to different places. Variety is the spice of life!”
  1. Read between the lines

Understand the hidden or implied meaning in a communication.

  • Example: “The email seemed straightforward, but if you read between the lines, you could sense his disappointment.”
  1. All ears

This phrase means to be fully attentive and ready to listen.

  • Example: “Tell me your idea, I’m all ears!”

2. Emotions and Resilience

  1. Every cloud has a silver lining

Find optimism in challenging situations.

  • Example: “Losing my job was tough, but it gave me the opportunity to pursue my passion. Every cloud has a silver lining.”
  1. Keep your chin up

Encouragement to stay optimistic in difficult situations.

  • Example: “I know things are tough right now, but keep your chin up. Things will get better.”
  1. Fingers crossed

Express hope for a positive outcome.

  • Example: “I have a job interview tomorrow. Fingers crossed that it goes well!”
  1. Hats off to you

Show admiration or respect for someone’s achievement.

  • Example: “Hats off to Sarah for completing the marathon—it’s an incredible accomplishment!”
  1. In the heat of the moment

Acting impulsively without careful consideration.

  • Example: “I didn’t mean to say those hurtful things. It was in the heat of the moment.”
  1. Just what the doctor ordered

Something that is exactly what is needed or beneficial.

  • Example: “A hot cup of tea is just what the doctor ordered on a cold day like today.”
  1. Make waves

Cause a stir or disturbance.

  • Example: “Her bold proposal made waves in the office, sparking heated discussions among colleagues.”
  1. Wear your heart on your sleeve

To openly display one’s emotions or feelings, without hiding them.

  • Example: “Sarah always wears her heart on her sleeve, so you always know how she feels about something.”
  1. You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours

An agreement to help each other mutually.

  • Example: “If you cover for me at work today, I’ll return the favor next week. You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.”

3. Time and Effort

  1. In the blink of an eye

Signifying something happening very quickly or suddenly.

  • Example: “One moment she was here, and in the blink of an eye, she disappeared into the crowd.”
  1. It takes two to tango

Both parties are responsible for a situation or conflict.

  • Example: “You can’t blame just one person for the argument. It takes two to tango.”
  1. Kick the can down the road

Postpone dealing with a problem or making a decision.

  • Example: “Instead of addressing the issue directly, they chose to kick the can down the road, hoping it would resolve itself.”
  1. Make hay while the sun shines

Take advantage of favorable conditions while they last.

  • Example: “The weather is perfect for outdoor activities, so let’s make hay while the sun shines.”
  1. Quick on the draw

Able to react or respond quickly.

  • Example: “As soon as the alarm went off, the security guard was quick on the draw, ready to handle any situation.”
  1. Slow and steady wins the race

Consistent and methodical effort leads to success.

  • Example: “I know progress seems slow, but remember, slow and steady wins the race.”
  1. The early bird catches the worm

Encouragement to act promptly or seize opportunities.

  1. A stitch in time saves nine

Taking timely action to prevent larger problems in the future.

  • Example: “Fixing the leaky roof now is a stitch in time that saves nine in costly repairs later.”
  1. Dead as a doornail

Completely lifeless or devoid of activity.

  • Example: “The party was dead as a doornail until the music started playing.”
  1. Zig when others zag

Take a different or unexpected approach compared to others.

  • Example: “In a crowded market, successful businesses often zig when others zag, offering unique products or services.”

4. Challenges and Decision Making

  1. Back to the drawing board

Start over from the beginning.

  • Example: “Our plan didn’t work out as expected, so it’s back to the drawing board to come up with a new strategy.”
  1. Caught between a rock and a hard place

Facing a difficult decision with no easy solution.

  • Example: “I’m caught between a rock and a hard place—I need to choose between two equally challenging job offers.”
  1. Don’t cry over spilled milk

Encourage moving on from minor setbacks.

  • Example: “Yes, we lost the game, but there’s no point in crying over spilled milk. Let’s focus on winning the next one.”
  1. Easier said than done

Acknowledge that a task may be more challenging than it seems.

  • Example: “Sure, quitting smoking is easier said than done. It takes a lot of willpower and determination.”
  1. Fish out of water

Someone who feels out of place or uncomfortable in a particular situation.

  • Example: “At the formal dinner, I felt like a fish out of water among all those executives.”
  1. Behind the eight ball

In a difficult or unfavorable position.

  • Example: “After missing the deadline, we’re behind the eight ball trying to catch up with the project.”
  1. Fall off the wagon

Resume a bad habit after a period of abstinence.

  • Example: “I had been doing well with my diet, but I fell off the wagon and ate a whole pizza last night.”
  1. Bite off more than you can chew

Attempt to do more than one is capable of handling.

  • Example: “I took on too many projects at once and ended up biting off more than I could chew.”
  1. Penny wise, pound foolish

Being careful with small amounts of money while being wasteful with larger sums.

  • Example: “She saved money by buying cheap furniture, but it ended up costing her more in repairs and replacements. Penny wise, pound foolish.”
  1. Nip it in the bud

Stop a problem before it becomes bigger.

  • Example: “We noticed a small leak in the pipe and decided to nip it in the bud before it caused any serious damage.”
  1. Barking up the wrong tree

Pursuing the wrong course of action or making a mistake in judgment.

  • Example: “If you think I took your pen, you’re barking up the wrong tree. I haven’t seen it.”

5. Planning and Strategy

  1. Get the ball rolling

Start a process or activity.

  • Example: “Let’s get the ball rolling on this project by scheduling our first meeting.”
  1. Jump on the bandwagon

Joining a popular trend or activity.

  • Example: “After seeing the success of the new diet trend, many people decided to jump on the bandwagon and give it a try.”
  1. Keep your eyes peeled

Stay alert and watchful for something.

  • Example: “Keep your eyes peeled for any signs of wildlife as we hike through the forest.”
  1. Leave no stone unturned

Make every possible effort to find or achieve something.

  • Example: “We searched the entire house, leaving no stone unturned, but still couldn’t find the missing keys.”
  1. Play it by ear

Make decisions spontaneously as situations arise.

  • Example: “We don’t have a set plan for the weekend, let’s just play it by ear and see where the day takes us.”
  1. Throw in the towel

Give up or surrender.

  • Example: “After hours of trying to fix the computer, I finally threw in the towel and called tech support.”
  1. Make a mountain out of a molehill

Exaggerate the importance or seriousness of a situation.

  • Example: “Yes, there was a minor mistake, but there’s no need to make a mountain out of a molehill.”
  1. Stick to your guns

Remain firm and resolute in your beliefs or decisions, despite opposition or criticism.

  • Example: “Even though everyone disagreed with her, she stuck to her guns and defended her position.”
  1. Break the ice

To initiate conversation or ease tension in a social situation.

  • Example: “As the new employee, I tried to break the ice by introducing myself to my colleagues.”
  1. Rub someone the wrong way

Irritate or annoy someone.

  • Example: “His arrogant attitude always rubs me the wrong way.”

6. Risk and Reward

  1. You reap what you sow

Consequences are the result of one’s actions.

  • Example: “If you treat others with kindness, you’ll reap what you sow and receive kindness in return.”
  1. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

It’s better to hold onto what you have than to risk losing it by pursuing something better.

  • Example: “I was offered a new job with higher pay, but I decided to stay with my current job. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.”
  1. Every dog has its day

Everyone will have their moment of glory or success.

  • Example: “I may not have won today, but I’ll keep trying. After all, every dog has its day.”
  1. Go the extra mile

Put in additional effort beyond what is expected.

  • Example: “To stand out in your job, always be willing to go the extra mile.
  1. Jumping through hoops

Completing a series of difficult tasks or obstacles.

  • Example: “To get the project approved, we had to jump through hoops and meet numerous requirements.”
  1. Pay the piper

Face the consequences of one’s actions.

  • Example: “He ignored the warning signs and now he has to pay the piper.”
  1. Bite the bullet

To endure a painful or difficult situation with courage.

  • Example: “I know surgery is scary, but you’ll have to bite the bullet and go through with it.”
  1. Hit the ground running

Start something with full energy and effort.

  • Example: “As soon as she started her new job, she hit the ground running and made a positive impact.”
  1. Kill two birds with one stone

Achieve two objectives with a single action.

  • Example: “By studying while commuting, I can kill two birds with one stone and make good use of my time.”
  1. Laughing all the way to the bank

Profiting greatly from a situation or endeavor.

  • Example: “After investing in the company early on, he’s been laughing all the way to the bank as its value skyrocketed.”

7. Planning and Exploration

  1. Off the beaten path

Taking a route or approach that is unconventional or less traveled.

  • Example: “Instead of following the tourist trail, we decided to explore some off-the-beaten-path destinations.”
  1. On the same page

Having a shared understanding or agreement.

  • Example: “We need to make sure everyone is on the same page before we proceed with the project.”
  1. By the book

To follow rules or regulations strictly.

  • Example: “The auditor insists we do everything by the book to ensure compliance with industry standards.”
  1. Burning the midnight oil

Working late into the night.

  • Example: “We had to burn the midnight oil to meet the project deadline, but it was worth it.”
  1. Plan it by ear

It means to approach a situation without a fixed plan or schedule, relying instead on intuition, spontaneity, and adaptability.

  • Example: “We don’t have a set itinerary for our road trip; we’ll just plan it by ear and see where the journey takes us.”
  1. Under the radar

Happening or existing without being noticed or detected.

  • Example: “The new product launch flew under the radar, but it’s gaining popularity quickly.”
  1. Chart a course

To plan a direction or strategy carefully.

  • Example: “Before starting the new venture, we need to chart a course to ensure we’re heading in the right direction.”
  1. Blaze a trail

To pioneer or establish a new path or method that others may follow.

  • Example: “As the first company to offer online streaming services, they blazed a trail in the entertainment industry.”
  1. Dot your i’s and cross your t’s

Ensure that all details are carefully attended to and nothing is overlooked.

  • Example: “Before submitting the proposal, make sure to dot your i’s and cross your t’s to avoid any mistakes.”
  1. Cut through the red tape

Navigate bureaucratic obstacles or procedures efficiently.

  • Example: “With his connections, he was able to cut through the red tape and get the necessary permits in record time.”
  1. Out of the woods

Out of danger or difficulty.

  • Example: “Thanks to the doctor’s treatment, the patient is finally out of the woods and on the road to recovery.”

8. Personal Traits and Attributes

  1. Fit as a fiddle

In excellent physical health and condition.

  • Example: “After months of training, he’s now as fit as a fiddle and ready to run the marathon.”
  1. Full of beans

Someone who is full of energy and enthusiasm.

  • Example: “Despite the long journey, the kids were full of beans when they arrived at the theme park.”
  1. Quick as a wink

Extremely fast or rapid.

  • Example: “He finished his homework quick as a wink and then went out to play.”
  1. Wild goose chase

Pursuing something unlikely or impossible to catch.

  • Example: “Searching for the treasure without a map felt like a wild goose chase.”
  1. Speak volumes

Convey a great deal of information or meaning without words.

  • Example: “Her body language spoke volumes about her discomfort in the situation.”
  1. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree

Children often resemble their parents in behavior or character.

  • Example: “Like father, like son. John’s love for music proves the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”
  1. Jack of all trades, master of none

Someone who has a basic understanding of many things but is not an expert in any.

  • Example: “He knows a little about plumbing, carpentry, and electrical work, but he’s a jack of all trades, master of none.”
  1. Up to snuff

Meeting the required standard or expectation.

  • Example: “His performance wasn’t up to snuff, so he didn’t get the promotion.”
  1. A watched pot never boils

Time seems to move slower when you’re eagerly waiting for something to happen.

  • Example: “I keep checking my email for a response, but it seems like a watched pot never boils.”
  1. X-ray vision

Refers to the fictional ability to see through objects or materials as if using X-rays, allowing one to perceive what is hidden from view.

  • Example: “As a child, I used to imagine having X-ray vision like Superman, being able to see through walls and discover hidden secrets.”
  1. Quiet as a mouse

Extremely quiet or silent.

  • Example: “The classroom was quiet as a mouse as everyone focused on the exam.”

9. Metaphors and Idioms

  1. Drive me up the wall

Something or someone that is annoying or frustrating.

  • Example: “The constant noise from the construction site is driving me up the wall!”
  1. Break the bank

To spend or cost a large amount of money.

  • Example: “I’d love to go on vacation, but a trip to Europe would break the bank.”
  1. Needle in a haystack

Describing something extremely difficult to find.

  • Example: “Finding a reliable mechanic in this town is like looking for a needle in a haystack.”
  1. Raining cats and dogs

Describing heavy rain.

  • Example: “We were planning to go for a walk, but it started raining cats and dogs.”
  1. Turn over a new leaf

To make a fresh start or change one’s behavior for the better.

  • Example: “After years of unhealthy habits, he decided to turn over a new leaf and adopt a healthier lifestyle.”
  1. X marks the spot

Identify a specific location or target.

  • Example: “According to the map, X marks the spot where the treasure is buried.”
  1. Out of the frying pan and into the fire

To move from a bad or difficult situation to one that is even worse.

  • Example: “After losing his job, Tom thought starting his own business would solve his problems, but it turned out to be out of the frying pan and into the fire.”
  1. Call it a day

Decide to stop working or trying.

  • Example: “I’m exhausted from studying. Let’s call it a day and continue tomorrow.”
  1. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket

Don’t risk everything on a single venture.

  • Example: “Investing all your money in one stock is risky. Remember, don’t put all your eggs in one basket.”

10. Miscellaneous

  1. Hold your horses

To wait or be patient before taking action or making a decision.

  • Example: “I know you’re eager to start, but let’s hold our horses until we have all the information we need.”
  1. Saved by the bell

Rescued from a difficult situation at the last moment.

  • Example: “I was about to fail the test, but the bell rang just in time. I was saved by the bell!”
  1. Take with a grain of salt

Advise to be skeptical about information received.

  • Example: “I heard that rumor, but I’ll take it with a grain of salt until I have more reliable sources.”
  1. Zip your lip

Encouraging someone to stop talking or keep a secret.

  • Example: “I know you’re excited, but zip your lip about the surprise party until everyone arrives.”
  1. Vanishing act

Disappearing suddenly or mysteriously.

  • Example: “I haven’t seen Tom in days. It’s like he’s pulled a vanishing act.”
  1. Under the weather

Feeling unwell or sick.

  • Example: “I won’t be able to make it to the party tonight; I’m feeling a bit under the weather.”
  1. Make a long story short

Summarize a lengthy explanation.

  • Example: “To make a long story short, we missed our flight due to traffic and had to reschedule for the next day.”
  1. Rome wasn’t built in a day

Highlighting the importance of patience and perseverance.

  • Example: “Building a successful business takes time. Rome wasn’t built in a day, after all.”
  1. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry

Refers to ordinary or common people.

  • Example: “The event was open to every Tom, Dick, and Harry in town.”
  1. Up in the air

Uncertain or undecided.

  • Example: “The details of the trip are still up in the air, so we’ll have to wait and see.”
  1. Weather the storm

Endure through a difficult or challenging situation.

  • Example: “We’ve faced tough times before, but together we’ll weather the storm.”
  1. Let sleeping dogs lie

Avoid stirring up old conflicts or problems.

  • Example: “I know you’re upset with him, but let’s just let sleeping dogs lie and move on.”
  1. Let the cat out of the bag

Accidentally revealing a secret.

  • Example: “I was trying to keep the surprise party a secret, but John let the cat out of the bag when he mentioned it to Sarah.”
  1. Speak of the devil

Someone mentioned appears unexpectedly.

  • Example: “Speak of the devil, there’s John! We were just talking about you.”

By incorporating idiomatic expressions into your everyday speech, you’ll not only sound more natural and fluent but also demonstrate a deeper understanding of the language and its nuances. Additionally, mastering English phrases can boost your confidence in various contexts, whether you’re engaging in casual conversations, giving presentations, or writing formal documents.

Why Mastering English Phrases Matters

Mastering English phrases is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Effective Communication: English phrases add depth and nuance to communication, enabling individuals to express ideas, emotions, and intentions more effectively. Mastery of phrases allows for clearer and more impactful communication, fostering better understanding and connection with others.

  1. Cultural Fluency: English phrases often carry cultural connotations and references, reflecting the customs, traditions, and values of English-speaking societies. Understanding and using these phrases appropriately demonstrate cultural fluency and sensitivity, facilitating smoother interactions in diverse contexts.

  1. Enhanced Vocabulary: Learning and incorporating English phrases into one’s vocabulary expands linguistic repertoire and improves language proficiency. By mastering a wide range of phrases, individuals can articulate thoughts and concepts with greater precision and sophistication.

  1. Professional Success: In many professional settings, effective communication is paramount for success. Mastering English phrases can enhance one’s professional image, making presentations more engaging, negotiations more persuasive, and interactions with colleagues more collaborative.

  1. Social Confidence: Language proficiency, including familiarity with common phrases, boosts confidence in social situations. Whether engaging in casual conversations, networking events, or public speaking, fluency in English phrases empowers individuals to express themselves with clarity and confidence.

  1. Cognitive Benefits: Learning and mastering English phrases stimulate cognitive processes, such as memory, problem-solving, and creativity. As individuals engage with new phrases, they strengthen neural connections and enhance cognitive flexibility, leading to overall cognitive enrichment.

Practical Tips for Learning and Using English Expressions

Now that you’re equipped with an extensive list of English phrases, here are some practical tips to help you integrate them into your language-learning journey:

  1. Contextual Understanding: Understanding the context in which English expressions are used is crucial for grasping their meaning and usage. For example, if you encounter the phrase “break the ice” in a conversation about meeting new people at a party, you’ll understand that it means initiating conversation to ease tension or awkwardness.

  1. Practice Makes Perfect: To truly internalize English expressions, it’s essential to practice using them regularly. For instance, if you’ve learned the phrase “barking up the wrong tree,” try using it in conversations or writing exercises to solidify your understanding and fluency.

  1. Expand Your Vocabulary: Exploring related vocabulary words and synonyms can deepen your understanding of English expressions. For instance, if you’re learning the phrase “bite off more than you can chew,” you might explore synonyms for “overwhelmed” or related phrases like “spread oneself too thin” to broaden your vocabulary and contextual understanding.

By incorporating these strategies into your language learning routine, you’ll be well on your way to mastering English expressions and becoming a more confident and proficient speaker.

Final Thoughts

Language learning is not just about acquiring new words and phrases; it’s also about embracing cultural nuances, fostering connections with others, and broadening your horizons. As you immerse yourself in the world of English expressions, embrace the journey of discovery and growth.

Keep an open mind, celebrate your progress, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes along the way. Every conversation, every sentence, and every new expression is an opportunity to learn and grow. So, keep exploring, keep practicing, and enjoy the rewarding experience of mastering English expressions.


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