Duolingo English Test vs IELTS: What Are The Differences?

An English Language Proficiency certification is a must, especially if you plan to enroll in international schools, migrate to English-speaking countries, and apply to companies abroad. 

There are many language proficiency exams that you can choose from, including the Duolingo English Test and IELTS. In this article, we will differentiate and provide a comparison between the Duolingo English Test and IELTS. 

These two language exams measure one’s English language abilities and how one can use the language efficiently in any given situation. Read on to learn more about the differences and similarities between the Duolingo English Test and the IELTS. 

What is the Duolingo English Test?

The Duolingo English Test is a standardized language proficiency exam that can only be taken online. It evaluates the four primary English skills writing, speaking, listening, and reading. 

In addition, the Duolingo English Test is also recognized by universities colleges, and other companies worldwide. This language exam provides a reliable and accurate assessment of English language abilities.

And can be used for both native and non-native English speakers. It only takes about an hour for you to finish this computer-based language exam, and the test result can be generated 48 hours after taking it.

This language proficiency exam is a modern approach and delivers an adaptive test type compared to other English proficiency exams that you have known. Also, the test is created by Duolingo, an online app developer, to provide convenience to its test-takers. 

What is IELTS?

The IELTS is a standardized language proficiency exam that universities and colleges mostly prefer. This language exam is also highly accepted and trusted by industrial organizations, government offices, and other private sectors worldwide. 

It assesses non-native and native English speakers’ English language skills in writing, listening, speaking, and reading. IELTS is known for accepting British and American English terms; however, you cannot use both languages when answering the test. 

There are two test formats for the IELTS: the IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training Test, and they also vary in their purpose. However, these two formats of the IELTS differ in test structures but still measure an individual’s language abilities. 

Exam Fees: Duolingo English Test vs IELTS

The Duolingo English Test has a standard examination fee that costs USD 49, which means that all test takers located across all countries will pay the exact price. 

In comparison, the IELTS exam costs approximately USD 245 to USD 255. And the cost of it varies per location or country where you will take it. 

You can see in the comparison table that the Duolingo English Test is much cheaper compared to the IELTS exam fee.

The IELTS is offered with different exam fees depending on the country, while the Duolingo English Test only provides a standard exam pricing for everyone. 

Exam FeesDuolingo English TestIELTS Exam
Standard Exam Fee:
  • USD 49
  • USD 245 to USD 255
Additional Fees:
  • None
  • Charges apply for test rescheduling
  • Not Applicable
  • Accepts refund of payments following certain terms and conditions

Exam Frequency: Duolingo English Test vs IELTS

In terms of exam frequency, the Duolingo English Test is more accessible since it offers daily test schedules online without the need to go to testing centers. And the IELTS has 48 prescheduled testing dates in a year. 

Also, the IELTS has over 1,200 testing centers in different locations worldwide, while Duolingo can be taken from the comfort of your home. Thus, making it more convenient and accessible compared to the IELTS. 

However, in countries that accept the test, IELTS is more recognized and accepted in around 140 countries than the Duolingo English Test, which is only acknowledged by 65 countries internationally. 

Exam Frequency Duolingo English Test IELTS
Scheduled Test Days Per Year
  • Offers daily test schedules
  • 48 prescheduled test dates annually
Availability of Testing Centers Worldwide
  • Not to be taken at testing centersAccessible and Available online 24/7
  • With over 1,200  testing centers worldwide
Number of Countries that accept the Exam
  • Accepted in over 65 Countries Worldwide
  • Accepted in over 140 Countries Worldwide

Exam Structure: Duolingo English Test vs IELTS

In this section, we will compare the exam structure of the Duolingo English Test and the IELTS. The two language proficiency exams significantly differ in terms of test duration, test delivery mode, and test sections. 

The Duolingo English Test is much shorter and only takes approximately 60 minutes than the IELTS, which takes about 2 hours and 45 minutes to finish the exam.

Consequently, the Duolingo English Test and the IELTS also have different test sections, respectively. For example, the IELTS  has different test questions for their writing and reading sections for the IELTS General and IELTS Academic tests. 

And for the availability of test scores, you will receive your Duolingo English Test result within 48 hours after taking it. While for the IELTS, test results are available 13 days after your test date. Also, the Duolingo English Test and IELTS test results are good for two years.

Exam StructureDuolingo English TestIELTS
Test Duration
  • 45 to 60 minutes
  • 2 hours and 45 minutes 
Test Version 
  • None
  • IELTS General TestIELTS Academic Test
Test Delivery Mode
  • Computer-Based Test
  • Paper-based IELTS TestComputer-based IELTS Test
English Skills that are Assessed / Test StructureFour Test Sections/Structure: 

  • ReadingWritingListening Speaking
IELTS General Test Sections:
  • Listening Writing ReadingSpeaking 

IELTS Academic Test Sections:
  • Listening WritingReading Speaking
Test Scores Availability
  • 48 hours after the scheduled test date
  • 13 days after the scheduled test date
Test Scores Validity 
  • Two years 
  • Two years

Scoring Difference: Duolingo English Test vs IELTS

These two English language proficiency exams significantly differ in terms of their scoring systems. For example, the Duolingo English Test uses a computerized scoring system, while the IELTS uses a combination of computerized and professional raters. 

In the IELTS, it uses a band score of 9 to 4 points in every test section. And for the Duolingo English Test has a scoring point of 160 as the highest score and the score of 55 points as the lowest. 

We also have provided in the tables below the proficiency levels for both the Duolingo English Test and IELTS scores. 

Duolingo English Test ScoresDescriptors/Proficiency Level
160 to 155Expert
150 to 145Very Good
140 to 135Very Good
130 to 125Good
120 to 115Good
110 to 105Competent
100 to 95Competent
90 to 85Modest
80 to 75Modest
70 to 65Limited
60 to 55Extremely Limited
IELTS Exam ScoringDescriptors/Proficiency Level
9.0 – 8.0Expert Level or Mastery of the English Language
7.5 – 7.0Good English User 
6.5Competent User of the English Language 
6.0 – 5.5Competent to Modest User of the English langauge 
5.0 – 4.0Competent to Modest User of the English language 

Test Requirements: Duolingo English Test vs IELTS

These two language exams have different sets of test requirements. For example, if you take the Duolingo English Test, you need to have your computer at home, speakers, camera, microphone, and a reliable internet connection. 

If you prefer to take the IELTS, there is no need for you to provide equipment for the language test since you will be taking it at their official testing centers. 

In addition, both of Duolingo English Test and IELTS require a parent consent letter for those test takers who are 16 years old and below. You can check the comparison table below for the different test requirements of these two language proficiency exams. 

Test Eligibility RequirementsDuolingo English TestIELTS
Minimum Age Requirement
  • None 
  • None
Recommended Age Group to Take the Exam
  • None
  • 18 years old
Parent Consent Letter Requirement
  • For 13 years old and below test applicants
  • For 16 years old and below test applicants
Which Professions take the test?
  • Any profession
  • Any profession
Documents Required
(What Types of IDs are Accepted?)
  • A valid passport, driver’s license, or any government-issued ID.PassportDriver’s LicenseAny Government-issued ID
  • A valid passportActive debit or credit card PassportNational Identity Card
How/Where to Register?
  • You can register for the Duolingo English Test through their official website and create an account. You can also use your Google Account to sign up for the exam. 
Equipment Requirement
  • Computer with a front-facing camera External MicrophoneExternal SpeakersReliable and fast internet connection
  • None

Practice Tests Offers: Duolingo English Test vs IELTS

This section shows the different practice tests offered by the Duolingo English Test and IELTS to its test-takers. Most of these practice tests are for free. However, you can also purchase other practice test materials on their respective websites. 

IELTS Duolingo English Test
Sample Tests
  • Offers free online sample tests that you can access through their official website. 
IELTS free courses: 
  • IELTS Academic and General Training Practice ZoneSample VideosTeacher TutorialsTimed Practice Tests“My Progress” Section“Resource Bank” Section 
Duolingo English Test free courses: Question Type Challenges:

  • Read and CompleteRead and SelectListen and SelectListen and TypeRead AloudWrite About the PhotoRead, then WriteSpeak About the PhotoRead, then SpeakListen, then SpeakWriting SampleSpeaking Sample
Preparation Courses
  • IELTS Online Preparation Courses (IELTS and British Council) that you can register (7 Days Trial)
Practice Tests

Which Is Easier: The Duolingo English Test Or IELTS?

The Duolingo English Test and the IELTS are two reliable and highly recognized language proficiency exams. It evaluates the English language skills of an individual in reading, listening, speaking, and writing. 

Many test-takers prefer the Duolingo English Test over the IELTS because of its convenience and accessibility. In terms of difficulty, both of these language exams are equally challenging since the Duolingo English Test and IELTS are designed to assess language abilities and how one can comprehend and understand the English language. 

However, most test applicants find the Duolingo English Test easier than the IELTS because of its adaptive test structure. But this does not mean that the IELTS is difficult in general. Note that these language exams’ objective is to assess your English proficiency level, so the difficulty level depends on your language abilities and skills. 

Test Recognition: Duolingo English Test vs IELTS?

There are 65 countries worldwide that recognize and accept the Duolingo English Test results, while over 140 countries also acknowledge the IELTS. 

It clearly shows that more countries recognize the IELTS than the Duolingo English Test, given the number difference between the two language proficiency exams. In addition, the Duolingo English Test was just recently launched in public compared to the IELTS.

However, this language exam is slowly paving its way to the top and gaining more and more popularity because of its modern and adaptive test format.

Especially during the pandemic, many testing centers were closed and suspended their schedules, and the Duolingo English Test helped many test applicants get their English language proficiency certification.

Summary Comparison Table: IELTS vs Duolingo English Test 

Overall, the Duolingo English Test and the IELTS vary significantly in terms of the exam structure, exam length, scoring system, test requirements, and more. 

Below is the comprehensive comparison table between the Duolingo English Test and the IELTS. 

Exam Key FeaturesDuolingo English TestIELTS
Standard Test Fee
  • USD 49 
  • USD 245 to USD 255
Additional Exam Fees
  • None
  • Charges apply for test rescheduling
Refunds Processing
  • Not Applicable
  • Accepts refund of payments following certain terms and conditions
Age Requirement for Test Takers
  • None 
  • None
Recommended Age Group to Take the Exam
  • None
  • 18 years old
Parent Consent Letter Requirement
  • For 13 years old and below test applicants
  • For 16 years old and below test applicants
Test Registration Process
  • You can register for the Duolingo English Test through their official website and create an account. You can also use your Google Account to sign up for the exam. 
Test Registration Requirements
  • A valid passport, driver’s license, or any government-issued ID.PassportDriver’s LicenseAny Government-issued ID
  • A valid passportActive debit or credit card PassportNational Identity Card
Equipment Requirement
  • Computer with a front-facing camera, external microphone, external speakers, reliable and fast internet connection
  • None
Exam Frequency
  • Offers daily test schedules
  • 48 prescheduled test dates annually
Number of Testing Centers Worldwide
  • Not to be taken at testing centersAccessible and Available online 24/7
  • With over 1,200  testing centers worldwide
Number of Countries Where Both Exams are Available 
  • Accepted in over 65 Countries Worldwide
  • Accepted in over 140 Countries Worldwide
Test Scores Validity 
  • Two Years
  • Two Years
Overall Scoring Scale Points
  • 160 to 55 points
  • 9.0 to 4.0 points
Scoring System
  • Computerized Scoring System
  • Combination of Computerized and Professional Raters
CEFR Scale Equivalent
  • Yes
  • Yes
Test Results Availability
  • 48 hours after the test
  • 13 days after the test
English Skills that are assessed / Test StructureFour Test Sections/Structure: 
  • ReadingWritingListening Speaking
IELTS General Test Sections:
  • Listening Writing ReadingSpeaking 
IELTS Academic Test Sections:
  • Listening WritingReading Speaking
Test Duration
  • 45 to 60 minutes
  • 2 hours and 45 minutes 
Test Version 
  • None
  • IELTS General TestIELTS Academic Test
Test Delivery Mode
  • Computer-Based Test
  • Paper-based IELTS TestComputer-based IELTS Test
Accepted By Educational Institutions Worldwide
  • Yes
  • Yes
Accepted By Government Offices/Migration Worldwide
  • Not Stated
  • Yes
Accepted By Multinational Companies Worldwide
  • Not Stated
  • Yes

Additional FAQs — Duolingo English Test vs. IELTS

What is a Good Score in the Duolingo English Test? 

A score of 120 and above is considered a good score for this language exam. However, most universities and colleges will accept a score of 100, and for those top universities, you must get a Duolingo score of 120. 

If compared to the IELTS, a score of 120 is equivalent to grade 7, and both of these scores are interpreted as a good use of the English language. 

Is Duolingo English Test a Reliable Language Exam?

Yes, the Duolingo English Test is a reliable, standardized language proficiency exam. It is also recognized and accepted by various universities and colleges worldwide. It provides an accurate and reliable language assessment of an individual’s English language skills in reading, listening, writing, and speaking. 

Is IELTS More Accurate than the Duolingo English Test?

These two language proficiency exams evaluate the four primary English language skills. Even if the IELTS and Duolingo English Test differ in most aspects of their test structure, it does not affect the evaluation of one’s English language abilities. 

They are highly credible and trusted to provide quality and accurate language proficiency assessments. Also, many academic institutions and organizations accept the test results from these two language exams. 

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