TOEIC vs TOEFL: What Are The Differences?

There are many language proficiency exams available that you can choose from. It serves many purposes, one of which can be used as an admission requirement to many universities, colleges, and other educational institutions. 

And also, the language proficiency test results serve as a pre-employment requirement, especially for companies with multicultural working setups.

In addition, an English language proficiency certification is also needed for migration, especially in those English-speaking countries

This article will focus on the TOEFL and TOEIC language tests. These exams are highly considered and are one of the top language proficiency exams used by many megacorporations organizations and prominent educational institutions worldwide. 

These two language tests deliver a high accuracy assessment rate of the applicant’s English language skills. The TOEFL and TOEIC are both well-known language proficiency tests, and we will compare the two exams based on their exam structure, pricing, duration, test sections, and more. 

What specific language skills do the TOEFL and TOEIC assess?

And what are the differences between these two language exams?

And their similarities?

To know more about the TOEIC and TOEFL exams, read below. 

What is TOEIC?

The TOEIC, known as the Test of English for International Communication, is among the many language proficiency tests used by numerous multinational companies and organizations around the globe.

In addition, the TOEIC is a standardized language exam that evaluates the English language skills of an individual, including listening comprehension, language form and meaning, and reading comprehension.

It also focuses mainly on how one uses English in communication in a workplace setting. 

TOEIC Primary Language Programs:

  • TOEIC Listening and Reading Test
  • TOEIC Speaking and Writing Test
  • The TOEIC Bridge Exam

The ETS (Educational Testing Service) created the TOEIC exam specifically for industrial organizations, including companies, business offices, corporations, and also those government agencies that need to assess the language abilities of their employees and applicants. 

This language proficiency exam aims to help these certain institutions and organizations assess the language proficiency level of their professional employees who are non-native English speakers and native English speakers. 

Generally, the TOEIC is one of the requirements of companies and organizations, mainly for international applicants and companies with a multicultural working environment.

Aside from the language exam these organizations use, the TOEIC can also be used by educational institutions, depending on their preference. 

The TOEIC Test is globally recognized and trusted by various multinational companies, organizations, and other educational institutions located in over 150 countries.

Mostly, this language exam is considered in countries including the United States and other Asian countries. 

What is TOEFL?

One of most institutions’ popular, credible, and trusted language proficiency test is the TOEFL exam.

This test is widely known because of its accuracy and academic-based exam structure and is considered challenging by most test-takers. 

TOEFL Exam Types:

Moreover, the TOEFL exam results can also be an admission requirement to different universities and colleges worldwide, especially those international schools.

The TOEFL exam is also highly recognized by prominent and famous educational institutions such as those schools that belong to the Ivy League and the Russell Group of Universities in the United Kingdom. 

Aside from that, the TOEFL test result can also be used for migration purposes and recognized by various government offices and organizations internationally.

The TOEFL exam is also known to provide a precise and excellent assessment of the four primary English language skills, including reading, listening, speaking, and writing. 

Since this language exam is in-demand, it offers a wide variety of language exams to answer the needs of its users. It includes the following test: TOEFL iBT, TOEFL Home Essentials, TOEFL ITP, and more. 

Depending on your preference, you can either take the TOEFL exam via the internet or paper-based, and you will still get the same quality and accurate assessment of your language skills. 

Exam Fees: TOEIC vs. TOEFL 

The standard fee for the TOEFL is around USD 185 to USD 189, while for the TOEIC, it costs about USD 140 to USD 157 for both the TOEIC Listening and Reading Test and the TOEIC  Speaking and Writing test

And for the TOEIC Bridge Exam fee is around USD 70 to USD 85. Note that the prices for these language proficiency exams vary per country of origin.

For example, in some countries, TOEIC fees are higher than in other countries, but you should not worry about this since it is the same exam.

To know more about the specific pricing for the TOEIC language test, it is good to contact the nearest testing center in your location for more details. 

Furthermore, the TOEFL and TOEIC exams also have some additional fees for the other services. For example, in the TOEFL, you can request a rescheduling, which will cost you USD 60.

On the other hand, TOEIC offers an express correction of test results with a price range of USD 30 to USD 45. And since the TOEFL and TOEIC language exams are under the Educational Testing Service (ETS) exam provider, both have the same refund policies. 

To receive a refund of your exam payment, note that canceling your exam registration or schedule should be made four days before your prescheduled test date. 

If the request is made or processed earlier than your scheduled test date, you will receive a 50% refund fee from the full payment you have made for the exam. In addition, the refund is only applicable for registration fees and not for the other services offered. 

You should also acknowledge that the refund fee will not be in cash. For example, if you have paid for the exam using your debit or credit card, it will be credited back to your account.

And as for those, who have paid using a personal check, you will wait for about an eight-week processing period. 

You can check the table below to compare exam fees between the TOEIC and TOEFL language exams. 

Standard Fee:TOEIC Speaking and Writing Exam – USD 140 to USD 157

TOEIC Listening and Reading Test – USD 140 to USD 157

TOEIC Bridge Exam – USD 70 to USD 85

*Exam fees may vary per location
TOEFL iBT – USD 185 to USD 195

*Exam fees may vary per location
Other Service Fees:Express Correction of Test Results for TOEIC Listening and Reading Test – USD 35

Super Express Correction of Test Results for TOEIC Listening and Reading Test – USD 45

TOEIC Listening and Reading Certification – USD 19

Request for a Duplicate of TOEIC Listening and Reading Test Results – USD 22

Request for a Duplicate of Test Results and Certification – USD 30
Late Registration – USD 40

Rescheduling of Exam – USD 60

Reinstatement Fee for Canceled Scores – USD 20

Request for Additional Score Report Fee – USD 20 for each report

Request for Score Review for either Speaking or Writing Score – USD 80

Request for Score Review for both the Speaking and Writing Test Section Score – USD 120 for each score review

Request for Returned Personal Check (Paper or Electronic) Fee – USD 20
Refunds for Exam Fee:Request will be granted following the term and conditions of the exam provider.Request will be granted following the term and conditions of the exam provider.

Exam Frequency: TOEIC vs. TOEFL 

The TOEFL exam has more than 60 test schedules available every year throughout the different testing centers worldwide.

On the other hand, the TOEIC exam schedule is available every month with 12 prescheduled test dates yearly, and the TOEIC Bridge Test is conducted only four times a year. 

This comparison shows that the TOEFL is more accessible and offers many test schedules than the TOIEC.

Furthermore, the TOEFL is also recognized by more countries worldwide than the TOEIC language exam. 

Regarding the number of testing centers, there are only 50 testing centers available in the USA that conduct the TOEIC exam.

However, this language proficiency test can be offered for public and institutional testing, depending on the need. 

And you can directly contact ETS Preferred Network (EPN) for the different testing centers available in your location that offer the TOEIC language exam. 

Moreover, the TOEFL has numerous testing centers, which are more than 4,500 located in various countries worldwide. We have provided a table below to compare these two language exams in terms of their exam frequency. 

Exam FrequencyTOEICTOEFL
Prescheduled Test Dates AnnuallyOffers 12 test schedules worldwide (Once a month)

TOEIC Bridge Test is offered four times a year. 
Offers more than 60 test schedules worldwide. 
Number of Available Testing Centers50 Testing Centers in the United States

Advised to contact your EPN (ETS Preferred Network) for the testing centers available in your area. 
4500 Testing Centers Located in Different Countries 

Also offers online and at-home testing. 
Total Number of Countries that Accept the ExamAccepted in over 160 Countries WorldwideAccepted in over 190 Countries Worldwide

Exam Structure: TOEIC vs. TOEFL

The TOEFL exam measures the four English language skills, containing four test sections that correspond to each of the language skills it intends to assess.

And in comparison, the TOEIC test has two types wherein assess only two skills per test.

For example, the TOEIC Listening and Reading Test contains two test sections. One is the listening test section, and the other is the reading test section.

And for the TOEIC Speaking and Writing Test contains test sections for each language skill it will evaluate. 

Generally, the TOEIC language exam is taken from the TOEFL exam, but these two language exams differ in their purpose, exam structure, and other test features.

You can check the table below to see the significant differences between the TOEIC and TOEFL test sections. 

We also showed the different types of TOEFL exams and their test sections.

In addition, the TOEIC Bridge only contains two test sections, including listening and reading. 

Exam StructureTOEICTOEFL
TOEIC Listening and Reading Test

Listening Test Section:

I. Photo Description Type

ii. Question and Response Type

iii. Short Conversation Type

iv. Short Talks Type

Reading Test Section:

I. Incomplete Sentences

ii. Error Recognition

iii. Reading Comprehension

iv. Reading Double Passages

I. Reading Test Section

ii. Listening Test Section

iii. Writing Test Section

iv. Speaking Test Section 
TOEIC Speaking and Writing Test

Speaking Test Section:

I. Reading Aloud

ii. Giving Description of an Image

iii. Responding to Questions

iv. Responding to Questions Using Information Given

iv. Expression Opinion

Writing Test Section:
I. Writing a Sentence About A Given Image

ii. Responding to a Written Demand 

iii. Writing an Opinion Essay 
TOEFL Essentials:

I. Listening Test Section

ii. Reading Test Section

iii. Writing Test Section

iv. Speaking Test Section

v. Personal Video Statement
TOEIC Bridge

i. Section I: Listening

ii. Section II: Reading
TOEFL Home Edition:

i. Reading Test Section

ii. Listening Test Section

iii. Writing Test Section

iv. Speaking Test Section

The TOEFL is also considered one of the highest academic-based language exams. While the TOEIC uses real-life-based contexts in its exams that one usually experiences in a workplace and in daily activities. 

In terms of exam length, the TOEIC is much shorter, and it only takes about two hours and a half or less.

On the contrary, the TOEFL exam takes about three hours for you to answer all four test sections, including writing, speaking, listening, and reading.

Other than that, the TOEIC Listening and Reading exam contain more test questions compared to the TOEFL exam.

Check the table below for comprehensive detail about comparing the TOEIC and TOEFL exam structures. 

Test ContentsTOEIC ExamTOEFL Exam
Nature of Test Contents:Uses real situation Based Contexts that are encountered in a workplace setting and everyday life experiences.Uses Highly Academic-Based Exam Contexts
Number of Test Sections:TOEIC Listening and Reading – Two Sections

TOEIC Speaking and Writing – Two Sections

TOEIC Bridge Test – Two Sections
Four Sections
Duration of the Test:TOEIC Listening and Reading – 2 Hours and 30 minutes

TOEIC Speaking and Writing – 1 Hour and 30 minutes
3 Hours
Number of Questions:TOEIC Listening and Reading – 200 questions

TOEIC Speaking and Writing – 19 questions
Reading Section – 30 to 40 questions

Listening Section – 28 to 39 questions

Speaking Section – Four tasks

Writing Section – Two Tasks
Test Version:None offered. None offered.
Delivery Mode: Paper-based or Internet-based TestInternet-based Test

Scoring Difference: TOEIC vs. TOEFL

The table below shows the difference between the TOEIC and TOEFL test scores availability.

For example, if you have taken the TOEIC, your test results will be available and sent to you 30 days after your test schedule. 

And as for the TOEFL, you can receive your test results in just six to ten days right after taking the exam.

This comparison shows that the TOEFL is much faster in delivering the test results to its test-takers. 

And also, both the exam results of the TOEIC and TOEFL tests are valid for two years. 

Test Scores Availability: Available within 30 days of your test scheduleAvailable six to ten days after the test date
Validity of Exam Results: Two YearsTwo Years

The TOEIC Speaking and Writing Test uses a scoring system of 200 overall scaled points per test section. For example, in the speaking test section, all the test questions points will be converted on a scale of 0 to 200. 

On the contrary, the TOEIC Reading and Listening Test uses a scoring system of 990 overall scaled points. And also, each correct point you got in each section will be converted for the overall scaled points of 10 to 990 points. 

It is evident that the TOEIC exam has a distinct scoring scale for their two language exams, and both of their tests are scored differently.

In comparison, the TOEFL exam uses a centralized and automated AI scoring system to check the different test sections of the exam. 

In addition, the TOEIC also has three types of delivery offered to its test results. You can choose freely from these three delivery modes that best suit your needs and situation. 

TOEIC Three Test Results Delivery:

  • Standard Scoring
  • Express Scoring
  • Super Express Scoring

For instance, if you want to receive your test results within five working days, the express scoring is perfect.

You can also check the Super Express Scoring if you prefer to receive your language assessment results three days after your scheduled test date. 

Standard Scoring System:Automated Scoring SystemCentralized AI Scoring System
Scoring Scale Used:TOEIC Speaking and Writing Test
200 to 0 overall scaled points

TOEIC Reading and Listening Test
990 to 10 overall scaled points
120 to 0 overall points

Test Requirements: TOEIC vs. TOEFL

The TOEFL exam has no age requirement for those who wish to take the language exam. However, one must present a consent letter duly signed by parents or guardians for test-takers who are below 17 years old or are not 11th graders. 

And as for the TOEIC, it also does not have an age requirement for its applicants since most test-takers are 20 years old and above. This language exam is seldom used for minors, and it is usually taken by professionals. 

You can check the table provided for the other requirements needed when taking the TOEFL and TOEIC language exams.

We also have included a list of accepted IDs for admission. 

Eligibility RequirementsTOEIC TestTOEFL Test
Minimum Age Requirement:No age requirement. No age requirement. 
What professions are eligible to take the test? Any current profession of the test-taker.The exam is taken mostly by students. 
Documents Required:2 valid IDs that reflect your name, picture, and signature. A valid (not expired) passport with the picture and signature of the test-taker. 
What Types of IDs are Accepted?A passport that is not expired.

Any Government-issued: Driver’s license

Military ID

Any national/state/province identity card that reflects your complete name
Any National ID with name, photograph, and signature

Any Government-issued: Driver’s license

Military ID

Any national/state/province identity card that reflects your complete name

To register for the TOEIC and TOEFL exams, we have included in the table the registration process for these two exams.

And also, you can see in the table shown below the difference between the registration process of these two language proficiency exams. 

How to RegisterFor the United States and Canada applicants:

AMIDEAST 2025 M Street
Suite 600
Washington, DC 20036-405


Phone: 1-866-383-9234 or 1-202-664-1854

For applicants outside USA and Canada:

Mail: TOEIC PROGRAM Educational Testing Service
Rosedale Road
Princeton, NJ 08541 USA


Phone: 1-609-771-7170
Fax: 1-610-628-3722 
Accepts walk-in applicants for the exam at their official testing centers.

Or you can also register online through their official website by creating an ETS account. 

You may also register by phone and by mail, whichever is convenient for you. 

Which Is Easier: TOEIC or TOEFL?

The TOEIC is considered an easier and less challenging language proficiency exam than the TOEFL exam.

The TOEIC only assesses two language skills in each of its tests, which is not the case for the TOEFL exam since it measures the four English language skills.

Moreover, the TOEIC is also shorter in its duration, which only takes about two and a half hours for the TOEFL Speaking and Writing Test, while the TOEFL is approximately taken about three hours. 

In terms of the exam structure, the TOEFL is definitely a challenging one since it tackles academic contexts and uses formal English in its exam questions.

On the other hand, the TOEIC is based on the daily situations in the workplace and how the test-taker uses the English language in communication on a professional level. 

Test Recognition: TOEIC vs. TOEFL

Both the TOEIC and TOEFL exams are acknowledged and widely used by many educational and corporations worldwide to provide high-quality language assessments for their applicants. 

Undeniably, we cannot thoroughly compare these two exams in terms of test recognition because these language proficiency tests are used differently.

The TOEFL is best suitable for academic use, while most companies and industrial organizations prefer the TOEIC. 

However, the TOEFL and TOEIC language test provides an unbiased and accurate assessment of the English language skills of an individual. 

Comparison Table: Summary of Exam Features between TOEIC vs. TOEFL

The TOEIC and TOEFL exams are different in the various exam features. They do not have the same number of test questions, duration, exam test sections, etc. 

However, both are trusted by many industries and universities to evaluate the English skills of their applicants.

And also does not mean that the TOEIC is less than the TOEFL based on the number of skills it assesses. 

In addition, they are both credible language proficiency exams that you can trust as a test-taker, and rest assured that the TOEFL and TOEIC are legit and acknowledged by countries here and abroad. 

Check the overall comparison table below to overview the similarities and differences between the TOEIC and TOEFL exams. 

Exam Key FeaturesTOEIC TOEFL iBT
Standard Test FeeTOEIC Speaking and Writing Exam – USD 140 to USD 157

TOEIC Listening and Reading Test – USD 140 to USD 157

TOEIC Bridge Exam – USD 70 to USD 85

*Exam fees may vary per location
 TOEFL iBT – USD 185 to USD 195

*Exam fees may vary per location
Refunds for Exam Fee:The request will be granted following the term and conditions of the exam provider.The request will be granted following the term and conditions of the exam provider.
Minimum Age Requirement:No age requirement. No age requirement. 
ETS Recommended Age Group to Take the ExamNoneRecommends ages 17 or 11th graders to take the TOEFL exam. 
Parent Consent Letter RequirementNoneYes (For test-taker 15 years old and below)
Test Registration ProcessFor the United States and Canada applicants:

AMIDEAST 2025 M Street
Suite 600
Washington, DC 20036-405


Phone: 1-866-383-9234 or 1-202-664-1854

For applicants outside USA and Canada:

Mail: TOEIC PROGRAM Educational Testing Service
Rosedale Road
Princeton, NJ 08541 USA


Phone: 1-609-771-7170
Fax: 1-610-628-3722 
Accepts walk-in applicants for the exam at their official testing centers. 

Or you can also register online through their official website by creating an ETS account. 

You may also register by phone and by mail, whichever is convenient for you. 
Test Registration Requirements2 valid IDs that reflect your name, picture, and signature. A valid (not expired) passport with the picture and signature of the test-taker. 
What Types of IDs are Accepted?A passport that is not expired.

Any Government-issued: Driver’s license

Military ID

Any national/state/province identity card that reflects your complete name
Any National ID with name, photograph, and signature

Any Government-issued: Driver’s license or Military ID

Any national/state/province identity card that reflects your complete name
Equipment RequirementNoneNone
Prescheduled Test Dates Annually:Offers 12 test schedules worldwide (Once a month)

TOEIC Bridge Test is offered four times a year.
Offers more than 60 test schedules worldwide. 
The number of Available Testing Centers:50 Testing Centers in the United States.

Advised to contact your EPN (ETS Preferred Network) for the testing centers available in your area. 
4,500 Testing Centers Located in Different Countries. 

Also offers online and at-home testing. 
Total Number of Countries that Accept the Exam:Accepted in over 160 Countries WorldwideAccepted in over 190 Countries Worldwide
Test Scores Validity Two YearsTwo Years
Overall Scoring Scale PointsTOEIC Speaking and Writing Test

200 to 0 overall scaled points.

TOEIC Reading and Listening Test

990 to 10 overall scaled points
20 to 0 overall points
Standard Scoring System:Automated Scoring SystemCentralized AI Scoring System
CEFR Scale EquivalentYesYes
Test Scores Availability:Available within 30 days of your test scheduleAvailable six to ten days after the test date
Test ContentUses real situation Based Contexts that are encountered in a workplace setting and everyday life experiences.Uses Highly Academic-Based Exam Contexts
Test DurationTOEIC Listening and Reading – 2 Hours and 30 minutes

TOEIC Speaking and Writing – 1 Hour and 30 minutes
3 Hours
Test Version NoneNone
Test Delivery ModePaper-based or Internet-based TestInternet-based Test
Accepted By Educational Institutions WorldwideYesYes
Accepted By Government Offices/Migration WorldwideYesYes
Accepted By Multinational Companies WorldwideYesYes

Additional FAQs — TOEIC vs. TOEFL

Is TOEFL Harder than TOEIC?

The TOEFL exam is known for its high academic context, and also it tests the four language abilities, while the TOEIC evaluates the professional English abilities of an individual.

And it only tests two English skills, which are the listening and reading skills of the test-taker. 

Thus, many consider the TOEIC easier compared to the TOEFL exam.

And the test also takes only about two hours compared to the TOEFL, which takes about three hours.

Aside from that, the TOEIC only assesses two language skills. 

Which is Better, IELTS or TOEFL or TOEIC?

The TOEIC and TOEFL are two language proficiency exams under the ETS. In comparison, the IELTS on the other hand, is owned by the British Council EDP.

Generally, they measure the language skills of those non-native English speakers as well as those of native English speakers

And all of these three language proficiency exams are highly accepted and trusted by countless schools, government agencies, corporations, and many more.

The IELTS, TOEFL, and TOEIC language exams also deliver quality and reliable evaluation of the applicant’s English language skills, thus making them equally better as credible English language proficiency tests

What is the Difference Between IELTS and TOEFL, and TOEIC?

The IELTS, TOEFL, and TOEIC language tests are widely recognized by educational institutions, companies, migration offices, etc.

And these three exams also evaluate the test-takers English language abilities. 

The main difference between the IELTS, TOEFL, and TOEIC are their purposes and what institutions or organization they are intended for.

In particular, the IELTS and TOEFL exam can be used to assess the general English language skills of an individual.

And also, the TOEFL is suitable for academic use, such as for universities, colleges, and other English language centers. 

While the TOEIC is intended to measure how an individual uses the English language professionally, especially in a multicultural work environment. 

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