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How to Learn English Easily Without Studying?

The Internet is an English learner’s greatest friend in today’s world! Before the Internet, there were only two ways to study English. You could either join a class with an instructor; or purchase an English textbook from a bookshop and then finish it independently.

That’s all changed now! When it comes to the Internet, the possibilities are endless. As an English learner, now, you may access ebooks, smartphone applications, self-guided courses, YouTube videos, and much more.

It is now simpler and more accessible to learn English than it has ever been before in human history. 

In this article, we will help you set yourself up for self-study, inform you of the benefits of learning the English Language, and also how you can improve your skills. 

The Four English Skills 

We know what we know when we think about English abilities by listening, speaking, reading, and writing. 

Pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and spelling are all essential inefficient English communication. It depends on both the learners’ level and their situational demands. 

Generally, beginners learn most from listening and speaking training, with less emphasis on reading and writing. Lessons may include more reading and writing as fluency improves. 

Advanced learners may spend up to half of their session time on writing skills. At the same time, they may choose to concentrate on oral communication if that is their primary requirement.

1. Listening

You learned your native language by just listening to what everyone else said when you were a child! To improve your listening abilities, you must practice, practice, practice. 

Not only should you attend classes with your instructor, but you should also attempt to watch documentaries or YouTube videos or listen to podcasts in your own time, always keeping in mind your level. 

Subtitles may be used to learn new words. Many programs and websites are available nowadays, but be sure they are from a reliable source, like your teacher’s recommendation.

2. Speaking

The second stage was to reproduce the noises you had previously heard as a child. 

Simply attempt to say the words! The key to progressing in speaking is to speak. To obtain a feel of the language’s cadence and rhythm, talk to other students and native speakers.

You must believe in yourself and strive to communicate as much as possible; it does not matter if you make errors; you may learn from them. 

The objective is to push yourself to do it, even if it means doing it in front of the mirror or using your phone to video yourself at first. 

Another good approach for practicing pronunciation is to read aloud. 

Furthermore, setting tiny daily objectives, such as learning a new term, idiom, or word, is beneficial.

3. Reading

You repeated the vowels and letters as the third thing you performed at school. To make sense, just follow the letters! 

There are specific actions you may take to improve your reading efficiency. First, you must begin reading from the title to understand what the reading is about. Then scan the text to get a rough overview of the content (scanning is a reading approach that involves reading quickly). 

Silent reading is also recommended for absorbing the pronunciation of each word and the punctuation breaks. 

You should, however, create a note of the words you don’t understand so that you can look them up later in a dictionary. 

Students dislike using the dictionary, but it is useful since it allows you to verify the connotation and denotation of words and their sounds using phonetic symbols and determine whether the word is a verb, an adjective, or a noun, among other things.

4. Writing

Finally, we wrote the words in the fourth learning phase at school. Simply combine all you’ve learned and write! 

However, you must examine prospective subjects before you begin writing to organize your ideas. This skill is rated last not because it is less essential but because it is challenging to learn to write correctly. 

The first thing you should consider is memorizing the book’s three main sections: introduction, body, and conclusion, as well as learning punctuation, which will help you with cohesion and how to use punctuation in your text. 

However, if you want to write right now, start with phrases, small paragraphs, and ultimately the whole work. Always check your grammar and vocabulary using a dictionary.

Importance of the English Language

Multilingualism is becoming more vital in today’s environment. In addition to aiding you to find a job, knowing a foreign language allows you to engage with people and learn about various cultures, places, and lifestyles. You can communicate more effectively the more competent you are.

Why should you study English instead of the other 6500+ languages spoken today? 

English, the world’s third most frequently spoken language, is spoken and taught in over 118 countries and is extensively used in commerce or diplomatic language across the globe. 

It’s used in science, aviation, computers, diplomacy, and tourism. Last but not least, it is the universal language of communication, media, and the Internet. 

Understanding the importance of English, whether for business or personal reasons, can help you achieve your goals. Listed below are some reasons to continue learning and practicing English.

1. Commonly Used Language Worldwide

FunFact: English is the official language of 53 nations and the first language of about 400 million people. That’s not all; it’s also the most frequently spoken second language on the planet. 

By 2020, the British Council estimates that two billion individuals will have learned English worldwide.

As a result, it’s quite probable that if you meet someone from another nation, you’ll be able to communicate in English. It gives you access to the rest of the world and enables you to communicate with individuals from all over the world.

2. Dominant Language in Business and Industries

As shown by the history of the English language, English has long been the lingua franca of business, with multinational firm headquarters mostly in the financial capitals of the United Kingdom and the United States. 

As a result, English has become the dominant business language. Speaking English has nearly become a must for anyone who wants to work in a global workforce. 

Research from throughout the globe demonstrates that cross-border business communication is most typically performed in English. Its significance in the global marketplace cannot be overstated, and learning English may really transform your life.

3. Language of the Academia 

The language of higher education is commonly considered English. Cambridge and Harvard are just some of the well-known universities that score at the top of global education league tables, and they’re all English-speaking. 

As a result of attending one of these institutions, you will have a prominent name on your CV (or resume), and the benefits will speak for themselves.

If English isn’t your first language, you’ll be required to take an English language proficiency exam as part of the admissions process to demonstrate that your level of English is enough for the academic environment’s needs. 

When it comes to the colleges you may apply to. You will be rewarded for your efforts to acquire English as early as possible in your school years if you wish to attend a reputable institution.

4. Most Flexible Language WorldWide 

The English Language, in contrast, is versatile because it draws considerably from other languages, notably Latin, Greek, and French. These ‘loanwords‘ either get absorbed via use or go away.

The usage of borrowed words has shown to be an effective evolutionary strategy for language survival. Non-native English speakers studying the language as a second language often remark on how many different ways to phrase anything. 

That’s because English is non-discriminatory; you may use it in whatever way you choose. 

Singapore has taken this notion to heart, creating a new kind of English known as ‘Singlish,’ which combines Chinese and Malay languages.

5. Wide Range of Vocabulary 

Learning English does not come without its trials. Words like “colonel” and “choir” have unusual spellings and pronunciations, which you’ll have to contend with. There are various reasons people believe English to be the simplest language to learn of all the languages.

To begin, English nouns lack gender and have a (relatively!) straightforward grammatical scheme. Sentence constructions are clear and do not have a complicated morphology. Words alter morphology based on their role in a sentence. 

In English, for example, the ending of an adjective does not vary based on the gender of the noun in a phrase, as it does in languages like Spanish. 

It’s a lot easier to learn nouns and adjectives this way.

Best of all, English — more than any other language — can be learned in various ways. It might be via television, literature, the Internet, or a one-on-one chat. It may be quite beneficial to learn English by reading articles and books, watching TV shows, or listening to podcasts.

Techniques in English Language Learning

Learning the English Language is not difficult. However, in order to improve our English skills, we need clear instructions. 

Many individuals fail to learn English correctly due to a lack of rules. If you’re looking for a technique to learn English via the Internet or websites, there’s some excellent news for you.

We looked at seven crucial approaches that might help you learn more effectively — as well as two often-used techniques that may be worth reconsidering, according to new research. 

Below are ways how you can easily acquire the English Language:

1. Social Learning

This is ideal for anyone looking to enhance their conversation skills and better understand the culture. If you like meeting new people and learn best by mimicking and adapting, learning by making friends and doing so might be some of the greatest ways to use.

Join one of our Group Classes to locate a social scenario – or a companion – in which you’ll need to improve your English. You may use this learning method to listen to and replicate sounds and language structures.

Volunteering is an excellent form of social learning activity that you may do in your town if there is a tourism program, but if there isn’t, seek one nearby. This strategy will help you connect with native speakers, allowing you to communicate in the target language. You might volunteer to coach visitors in this activity to spend time with them and get real-world experience.

Another is through interviews or interaction. Everyone wants to know about their favorite singer’s life, actor’s life, soccer player’s life, comedian’s life, or whomever their favorite is; you can read magazines, watch the news, or paparazzo’s news, who may or may not be telling the truth. Still, there are exclusive interviews with these people on the Internet, and this way you can learn a lot about their lives from them directly.

2. Abundance of Information

Studies have also demonstrated that when there is a lot of information, this kind of learning, in which the unconscious mind and body absorb actions and languages fast and thoroughly, works well.

Concentrating on a single word or grammatical phrase, for example, will not assist you. Nevertheless, listening to English-language music, radio, and films, as well as reading material and being around by locals, can enable you to absorb sounds and information without noticing it.

3. Learn Implicity

Implicit learning is fairly widespread, but it is often not recognized. Thus, there isn’t a standard word for it yet. Implicit learning, sometimes known as “invisible learning,” is concerned with the region of the brain that unintentionally absorbs actions and knowledge. 

So merely surrounding oneself with a language — whether via immersion, travel, or listening to English language radio – may be beneficial.

4. Use of Flash Cards

A flashcard is a card with material on one or both sides, used in classroom exercises or private study. 

One side may ask a question and get a response. A question-and-answer style may be used to learn vocabulary, historical dates, equations, and other subjects. 

Flashcards are extensively used to help memorize.

These can help you learn things fast and process and store them long-term. Your brain retains knowledge better when you use flashcards because your brain is prompted to employ learning abilities. 

Flashcards are a popular way to learn English vocabulary. They assist you in retaining vocabulary terms quickly and efficiently. 

5. Little to Frequent Learning

Distributed practice is simply performing your learning ‘little and frequently,’ a new word for something that has been done for a long time. 

According to studies, long-term learning is not achieved by marathon cramming or over-consumption of learning material in a short period since the information does not reach sufficiently deep sections of the brain.

Instead of one day a week for English, try investing half an hour every day — this method of breaking up your practice into little pieces is more likely to provide results.

The longer you want the material to stay, the longer the intervals should be; thus, take your time while analyzing huge chunks of work!

6. Immerse Yourself

Immersion is a popular method for boosting learning of many types. Still, it seems to work incredibly well for languages since it places the learner in a scenario outside of the classroom, where they are immersed in the studied language’s spoken word.

Traveling to the UK or any other English-speaking country for an internship or a short course, for example, is great since it allows you to listen and learn on the job while being surrounded by the language in its natural (rather than classroom) context every day.

7. Language Integration in Your Daily Activities

To acquire a new language, you must put in time and effort. What’s the purpose of grinding away at a textbook when you can integrate language learning into your everyday life? 

You’ll not only save time reading grammar books and doing practice exercises, but your learning process will actually become more exciting and relevant. The traditional textbook simply cannot provide you with the textures and details of language in a way you can absorb with your own vocabulary. 

You can make language learning a habit and part of your daily life by following these tips:


  • Conversations – Talking in English over the phone or even video calls will not be easy at first. However, it will develop a simple telephone or Zoom conversation in English with enough practice. These approaches are quite beneficial since they will acquaint you with the language, and after you have established this bond, you will be as self-assured as required to converse with ease.
  • Mirror Technique – This unique approach, known as mirroring, is used to conduct a preliminary assessment of the development of speaking ability. When you practice speaking in front of a mirror, you will be able to notice the motions you make with your lips as you talk and listen to yourself and compare your voice to that of the music. Every time you use this strategy, you’ll get closer to having a genuine English conversation.
Useful Websites for Self-Study (Speaking)
  • Learn English- Speaking: This website by BBC, which now has a YouTube account, provides a series of courses for practicing speaking skills such as pronunciation, intonation, and linked speech.
  • mmmmEnglish – Youtube: If you are looking for a great YouTube Channel to help you during your practice time, mmmEnglish is one of your best options. Its mission is to assist students all around the globe get the confidence they need to speak English fluently. Over 200 English courses are available in their channel to help you improve your vocabulary, natural pronunciation, grammatical correctness, functional language abilities, and conversation fluency.


  • Journal Writing – There’s nothing like opening a fresh diary, picking up your favorite pen, and settling down to write.

It’s a tried-and-true self-care method to improve your English Language competencies. Not only that, journaling has been shown to help you accomplish your objectives, improve your emotional intelligence, enhance your confidence, and even recover from unpleasant situations, according to research.

Useful Websites for Self-Study (Writing)

  • Learning English – Writing: You may practice writing skills here. You may enhance your writing by studying sample texts. The self-study lessons in this part are authored and organized by CEFR levels (CEFR). Several example texts with writing suggestions and interactive activities to help you improve your writing abilities for school, job, and personal use.
  • Creative Writing – MacMillan Readers: They provide free self-study worksheets for any PDF Reader. You may use them to monitor your reading progress, discuss the books you’ve read, and practice evaluating tales and predicting their conclusions.


  • Reading Habit – Everything that incorporates English and, of course, you like should be utilized, from a simple text message to a blockbuster. This reading strategy has shown to be a useful tool for broadening your perspectives throughout the year. One of many effective strategies to improve vocabulary is by reading because doing so helps the brain identify certain behaviors and improves one’s ability to recall information.
  • Empathy Development: Reading enables us to immerse ourselves in the lives and emotions of characters and real-world figures, fostering empathy. By empathizing with diverse perspectives and situations portrayed in literature, readers develop a deeper understanding of human behavior and societal dynamics.
Useful Websites for Self-Study (Reading)
  • Learn English – Reading (BBC): You’ll discover exercises to help you improve your reading abilities here. Reading can assist you in improving your language comprehension and expanding your vocabulary.
  • MacMillan Readers: They offer free worksheets for self-study, which may be used with any PDF Reader. You may use them to monitor your reading progress, discuss the books you’ve read, and practice evaluating tales and predicting their conclusions.


Useful Websites for Self-Study (Listening)
  • TedEd: On this website, you can find hundreds of animated classes available, as well as the ability to build bespoke lessons and share your major ideas.
  • Learning English – Listening: Find exercises that improve your listening abilities. Listening can help you grasp the language and enhance your pronunciation.

The self-study lessons in this part are authored and organized by CEFR levels (CEFR). There are audio recordings and interactive tasks to help you improve your listening abilities for school, work, and social settings. The speakers are from various countries, and the recordings are meant to represent how English is used globally today.

How to Learn English Based on Your Learning Style?

Language learning comes naturally to some people, while it is a challenge for others.

The ideal technique to learn a new language may differ depending on your learning style. Students are normally taught in a mix of the three learning styles, although they usually have a strong preference for one of them. It’s crucial to figure out which learning method works best for you.

Auditoryvisual, and kinesthetic learning modes are the three primary categories.

Are You an Auditory Learner?

Hearing and speaking are the primary modes of learning for auditory learners. 

Auditory learners must perceive what is being said to grasp it since written instructions may be difficult for them to comprehend.

To learn English, Auditory learners may use the following techniques:

  • Listen to podcasts in the English Language. If you’re looking for free English podcasts on the web, you’ll find that there is a wide selection of options. Make it a habit to listen to a podcast for a few minutes.
  • Listen to books on tape when you have the opportunity (as you do your errands or even work out).
  • Make a recording of your classroom lectures and listen to them again when you have free time.
  • While taking notes in class, repeat facts loudly or quietly in your thoughts.
  • To study, recite material loudly. To practice reciting English words aloud, choose a calm setting or one with light music playing in the background.
  • Listen to music, read the words, and join in singing!
  • Watch English-language films and television programs with English subtitles. Listening to English and seeing English words printed on a screen can help you recall the term more easily in the future.
  • Participate in a language exchange or talk with a native speaker.
  • To assist you in recalling crucial ideas, use rhymes or jingles.

Are You a Visual Learner?

Looking at charts or graphic organizers, seeing a presentation, or reading are the greatest ways for visual learners to learn.

Visual learners may use the following approaches for learning English:

  • Important material should be highlighted as you read, and color-coding your notes may assist a lot. New words and phrases should be highlighted or circled.
  • To keep track of new vocabulary terms, keep a journal or make flashcards. Write the definition in English along with an example phrase after translating the term into your local tongue. Along with definitions, dictionaries often include appropriate sample sentences.
  • Sort new vocabulary terms into distinct categories.
  • Create your own phrases using new vocabulary terms, and your brain will identify that word with the sentence you constructed the next time you encounter it.
  • When reading an article, try to get the general picture first before delving into the minutiae.
  • Watch English video lessons in which professors explain grammatical topics using visuals (e.g., charts, formulae, cartoon pictures, etc.).
  • Watch English-language documentaries or YouTube videos with English subtitles.
  • To practice on your own, get a grammar workbook online.

Are You a Kinesthetic Learner?

A “hands-on” encounter helps kinesthetic learners comprehend information better. If you are more of a ‘hands-on’ learner, you would want to learn via doing. Kinesthetic learners benefit from moving about while studying, according to research.

Kinesthetic learners may use the following approaches for learning English: 

  • Make flashcards without using a computer. Putting new knowledge into your long-term memory is easier when you write it down.
  • Practice grammar points by playing games (online or in-person). Make it more competitive by inviting some pals!
  • With a buddy, practice role-playing exercises.
  • Study in small bursts—every twenty minutes, take a ten-minute break to stretch and refresh.
  • Make gestures that correspond to the words. When you use your body to communicate a notion, idea, or concept, you will have a much better chance of retaining it.
  • Travel to an English-speaking nation to have a firsthand experience with the language.
  • Participate in a language exchange or talk with a native speaker. If you can’t locate a native speaker in your area, consider using Skype to communicate with a native English instructor.

Final Thoughts 

Don’t get us wrong: self-studying English is difficult, but it is certainly doable.

This is a hurdle you can conquer with hard effort and commitment. You must keep yourself motivated and encouraged at all times. Always be encouraging to yourself and remember why you want to learn English.

Remember, there are several methods to incorporate English learning into your daily life, whether you are an aural, visual, or kinesthetic learner.

With all of these ideas, tactics, and tools at your disposal, you’ll be able to learn English on your own. And, if you use any of these tactics for only a few minutes each day, you’ll notice a difference! 


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